Welcome New Officers
On Feb. 14, Airport Police welcomed Officers Francisco Gaytan, Brandon Dyer (Class Leader), and Merlin Gonzalez (Class Vice President) to the force during a swearing-in ceremony held at the LAPD Academy in Elysian Park.
Prior to attending the Police Academy, Officer Gonzalez worked as a Detention Officer for the LAPD, and she is a former graduate of the Airport Police Youth Service Program. Officer Gonzalez’s absolute dedication and commitment to serve the aviation community sets her to be the first graduate of the Airport Police Youth Service Program to become an Airport Police officer. Officer Gonzalez received her Associate’s degree in criminology from West Los Angeles College.

Officer Dyer, a military veteran, proudly served in the United States Army as an Airborne Infantryman prior to becoming an Airport Police officer.

Officer Gaytan worked as a sales representative and received his Bachelor’s degree in criminal justice from Westwood College.

Chief of Airport Police Cecil W. Rhambo Jr. announced the appointment of these three new Officers, who were surrounded by family and friends, to the ranks of the Los Angeles Airport Police Division.
The three new Officers’ responsibilities include patrolling Los Angeles International Airport, the second busiest airport in the country and the fourth busiest airport in the world. They have begun their post-academy training followed by a six-month Field Training Program, specific to aviation law enforcement under the guidance of a Field Training Officer. Upon completion, they will be assigned to the Patrol Services Section.
Welcome to the City, Officers Gaytan, Dyer and Gonzalez!