Council recognizes national awareness week.

Councilmembers and representatives of Public Works celebrate National Public Works Week in Council Chambers May 23.

National Public Works Week

On May 23, the City Council recognized Public Works during the National Public Works Week, intended to highlight the hard work that Public Works employees perform all year in support of their constituencies.

At the recognition event, Public Works expressed its thanks to all who work every day to keep this City going, from maintaining LA’s streets to enhancing public spaces. Each individual’s hard work makes LA a better place to live every day—they are the backbone of our City!

Held annually in May, National Public Works Week recognizes and highlights the important and outstanding work efforts by thousands of hard working Public Works professionals.

The City’s Public Works Dept. has more than 6,000 employees who are responsible for the construction, renovation and operation of City facilities and infrastructure, as well as the delivery of public safety and environmental programs. They are a leader in innovative programs and projects that enhance the quality of lives for all Angelenos.

“This week is for us to thank, recognize and celebrate the incredible employees in the Dept. of Public Works who work on a daily basis to provide and maintain core services and to enhance the quality of life for the residents and businesses of Los Angeles,” said Board of Public Works President Aura Garcia, who retired Aug. 16.

Thanks, Public Works employees for the incredible job you do behind the scenes to make LA work. We honor you and salute you!