Sanitation begins its next class of engineering mentees.

More for Mentoring

On Dec. 11, the Bureau of Sanitation and Environment began its next class of Environmental Engineering Associate mentees.

It’s the first Mentorship Program event of the 2023-24 mentorship season. 

During the kickoff event, Assistant Director Mas Dojiri welcomed the mentees and mentors; the mentor and mentee pairings were revealed, and the mentees and mentors got to hear all that is in store for the new Mentorship Program season. SEIU 721 sponsored the event lunch and also presented on the benefits of being an SEIU 721 member. 

The Mentorship Program typically happens on an annual cycle once the new class of Environmental Engineering Associates (EEAs) is onboarded. It is a six-month program where pre-selected mentors, who are more experienced Sanitation Bureau Engineers, are paired up with newly hired EEAs and help guide and inspire them or support their needs in learning about work culture at Sanitation and Environment.

This year, Sanitation has extended the program to newly hired Mechanical Engineering Associates as well, to provide this opportunity for other types of engineers in the bureau. Throughout the Mentorship Program, organizers will host both social and networking events as well as learning opportunities, like presentations from core Sanitation programs, executives, and more. 

Last July, Alive! published photos and information for the “graduation” of the last mentoring program.

Welcome, new mentees! May your upcoming program be one of learning, development and confidence-building!

The Club thanks Karina Gonzalez, Environmental Engineering Associate, and Mentorship Program Coordinator, for providing information and images.

New mentees and leaders, by rows, from left:

First row: Dara Alcazar, Environmental Engineering Associate I; Daisy Ojeda, Environmental Engineering Associate I; Sandra Cristobal, Environmental Engineering Associate III); Thania Flores Soto, Environmental Engineering Associate II); Erick Toscano, Environmental Engineering Associate I; Karelly Dorado, Environmental Engineering Associate I; Matthew Hanna, Environmental Engineering Associate I; Natalia Chacon, Environmental Engineering Associate I; Debora Leite, Environmental Engineering Associate I; Oge Ogbechie, Environmental Engineering Associate I; and Brenda Yaghoobi, Environmental Engineering Associate I.




Second row: Michael Fan, CE); John Villareal, Environmental Engineering Associate I; Eliseo Macias, Mechanical Engineering Associate I; Oscar Perdomo, Environmental Engineering Associate I; Timothy Hoang, Environmental Engineering Associate III; James Roska, Act. Environmental Engineer; Deontoe Taylor, Environmental Engineering Associate I; David Phung, Environmental Engineering Associate I; Christopher Vong, Environmental Engineering Associate I; Huy Nguyen, Environmental Engineering Associate I; Yoon Lee, Environmental Engineering Associate I; and Karina Gonzalez, Mentorship Program Coordinator/Act. Environmental Engineering Associate III. Third row: Timmie de Ramos, Environmental Engineer; Gilberto Martinez, Mechanical Engineer Associate I; Nabih Akar, Environmental Engineering Associate III; Eduardo Valencia, Environmental Engineering Associate I; Pablo Hernandez, Environmental Engineering Associate II; Thomas Wyatt, Act. Environmental Engineer; Nodebechukwu Paully-Umeh, Environmental Engineering Associate I; Kimia Nadir-Tehrani, Environmental Engineering Associate III; Adis Gharibian, Building Electrical Engineer I; Paul Cobian, SRCRD Asst. Division Manager; and Doug Walters, Chief Sustainability and Chief Resiliency Officer.