The Heat Is On, for Equity

by Robert Larios, CEO, The Club

Robert Larios

As the Alive! team stood on a West Florence Avenue sidewalk photographing LA’s Chief Heat Officer, Marta Segura, for this issue, the point became difficult to ignore: We began in the cool of the morning. And then, minute by minute, the cool evaporated and the heat grew dominant. The only shade to be found was thanks to small but very appreciated trees planted recently to avert the climate crisis, one leaf at a time. In time they will grow to provide more shade. That reflects the City’s journey, too.

Los Angeles created the new Climate Emergency Mobility Office to manage that process, to mobilize and coordinate all that the City offers to avert the ravages of climate change. As we demonstrate in this month’s feature, Marta is the perfect person to lead that effort.

Club CEO Robert Larios with (from left) Chief Heat Officer Marta Segura and Climate Emergency Mobility Office Management Assistant Rebekah Guerra.

The CEMO office works to alleviate more than just the heat, however. It also studies where those effects are most felt. Meaning, they most affect traditionally underserved areas. That is a major focus of the Climate Emergency Office. It, and the City, believe that lifting each other up is the right thing to do. We all rise together, and the Club concurs.

Alive! is honored to document this turning point and tell the story that has history written in its tree trunks. We thank Marta, Rebekah Guerra and Heather Johnson of the Board of Public Works, the Climate Commission and all the partners for their critical efforts.

Savers Guide

The Club is delighted to present a major update of our Savers Guide, the mobile app that brings value to you. Our dedicated marketing and tech teams have stuffed even more discounts and value into the new update! See the details on page 4 for more information on how to take advantage. We work relentlessly to create more value for you, our Club Members.


Be on the lookout, too, for news about our very popular Club Sports leagues very soon.


The Club wishes Peter Persic, Development and Marketing Director of the LA Public Library, a rewarding retirement. Peter, who retired in April with 31 years of City service, assisted Alive! numerous times, especially in in its early days. We thank him again now and wish him a retirement of contentment and fulfillment.

Finally, all of us at the Club wish you and your families a meaningful Fourth of July. Please fill the long summer days that follow with relaxation and purpose.

¡Gracias por leer!