Share Your Life’s Moments!
Did you or a loved one get married? Have a baby? Get a promotion? Did someone graduate? Or accomplish something special? Is a family member in the military?
Send in a photo and a paragraph, telling us the details. We love to share your good news.
Thanks, Hannah!
The Club gives a big shoutout to intern Hannah Hawkins, a junior at Chaminade College Preparatory High School, for her amazing organizational skills as part of the Club Care Calls program, where Club staff called every one of our nearly 50,000 Members to make sure they were doing okay during the COVID lockdown. (It was an amazing project in which more than 30 Club staff participated.) We asked our Members if they needed anything; if they did, Hannah shipped it to them, courtesy the Club. She personally shipped more than 1,100 packages of 22,000 items – including 6,700 facemasks, 10,000 pairs of gloves, 650 rolls of toilet paper, and much more, to our Members, many of whom were Retired, isolated and vulnerable. Because of her tireless and passionate assistance during the five months of the program, we were able to help countless seniors. A deep thank-you to Hannah. She made the world a friendlier and more humane place. Dozens of Club staff made this program happen, but we simply couldn’t have done it without her.