Here’s a listing of all those who retired from the City this month.

To all we say, welcome to the Best Years!


You can click on the arrows in the top row to sort by NAME, TITLE, DEPARTMENT or YEARS OF SERVICE. View 10, 25, 50 or 100 per page by clicking on Show Entries.

Abad, Dante B.JFB/Facilities Mgmt.LADWPN/D
Acosta, Carole M.CriminalistLAPD16
Adeoye, Darla E.Customer ServiceLADWPN/D
Alvarenga, Luis A.Env. Chem. LabLADWPN/D
Anderson, Brian K.Refuse Coll. Truck Op.Public Works13
Aponte, Karen J.Police Service RepLAPD40
Bassett, Steven L.Supply Chain ServicesLADWPN/D
Belis, Arthur D.CarpenterGen. Services16
Binder, Crista E.Chief Dep. ControllerController32
Braxton, DeniseCustomer ServiceLADWPN/D
Bullum, Steven L.Power New BusinessLADWPN/D
Caldwell, Rodney D.Energy Dist.LADWPN/D
Campbell, Yvette Anne M.Police PsychologistLAPD20
Chang, Heberto L.OfficerHarbor5
Char, Steven W.Water DistributionLADWPN/D
Conner, Shane Y.Financial ServicesLADWPN/D
Corpuz, Jeffrey S.Building Mech. Insp.Bldg. & Safety24
Correales, JudithPower C&MLADWPN/D
Crooks, RichardMotor Sweeper Op.Public Works30
Dam, Giai C.Pr. Construction Insp.Public Works31
Davis, Donna D.Info TechLADWPN/D
De La Cruz, SoniaCustomer ServiceLADWPN/D
Demarse, Donald J.Water OperationsLADWPN/D
Dixon, CarmenCrossing GuardTransportation4
Dolan, Brian E.Tax AuditorFinance17
Dorsey, Vernon A.Maintenance LaborerPublic Works26
Du Boise, La Wanda A.Sr. Administrative ClerkAirports12
Duran, Michael F.Dep. City AttorneyCity Attorney32
Edwards, Evelyn ArellanoSecretaryLAPD19
Escamilla, Frances E.Customer ServiceLADWPN/D
Estevez, ManuelIrrigation SpecialistRec and Parks16
Evangelista, Marcial G.Vet TechAnimal Services33
Fernandez, Victor V.Internal AuditLADWPN/D
Flores, MarcoWater DistributionLADWPN/D
Flores, Vivian M.Water ExecutiveLADWPN/D
Foreman, Joseph W.Power C&MLADWPN/D
Franklin, JacquelinePolice Service RepLAPD32
Garcia, EnriqueWater DistributionLADWPN/D
Gobuty, BobBuilding Mech Insp.Bldg. & Safety21
Gomez, Georgina G.Sr. Administrative ClerkPublic Works32
Guardado, Maria D.AccountingLADWPN/D
Guillen, John M.Power TransmissionLADWPN/D
Hamilton, Diane C.Sr. Administrative ClerkPlanning23
Hamilton, John C.Environmental Eng.Public Works32
Hansen, Timothy J.Water OperationsLADWPN/D
Hardy Sr., Gary E.Water DistributionLADWPN/D
Haynes, Bradley E.Con/Maint SupervisorPublic Works32
Heredia, Maria L.AccountingLADWPN/D
Herrera, Delia C.AccountingLADWPN/D
Himes, Carma R.Sr. Security OfficerAirports25
Huerta, Juan J.Power C&MLADWPN/D
Imperial, Sandra D.Customer ServiceLADWPN/D
Jackson, Rickie G.Sr. Administrative ClerkPublic Works14
Johnson, Clyde MatthewAir Conditioning Mech.Gen. Services15
Johnson, Kathleen S.Administrative ClerkLibrary14
Jonny, Hadi S.Water QualityLADWPN/D
Kaiserski, Michael P.Water OperationsLADWPN/D
Kennedy, GabrielaLabor RelationsLADWPN/D
Kerr, Reiko A.Power Exec. OfficeLADWPN/D
Kiatkulpiboone, MontriiHousing InspectorHousing17
Kusik, Suzanne A.Structural Eng. Ass.Bldg. & Safety10
Lampton, Kenneth J.Refuse Collection Super.Public Works39
Legarda, Susan M.Police Service RepLAPD35
Leigh, Marie E.Generation OfficeLADWPN/D
Liambi, Jean Willy M.Security OfficerAirports25
Lowery Jr., Richard E.Water OperationsLADWPN/D
Lucas, Miranda S.Comm. Info. Rep.Airports33
Luskleet, Bette MarieAdministrative ClerkLAPD11
Manuel, Roland R.Env. Chem LabLADWPN/D
Mattillo, Jack A.Building Mech. Insp.Bldg. & Safety20
McCullough, GordonSr. Traffic SupervisorTransportation16
Miller, Randi FayeSr. Police Service Rep.LAPD31
Morrison, Michael A.Water DistributionLADWPN/D
Munoz III, MiguelSr. Mgmt. AnalystLAPD33
Newton, Gary S.Municipal Police Capt.LAPD28
Nikaido, Steven H.Sr. Environmental Eng.Public Works36
Orozco, Jose L.Wastewater Coll.. Wrkr.Public Works33
Ota, Donna LynnMayoral AideMayor’s Office21
Owairu, Sunday O.Chief Env. Compl. Insp.Public Works37
Palma, Reynaldo V.Metering ServicesLADWPN/D
Patel, Jashbhai S.Sr, Env. Compl. Insp.Public Works34
Penado, Oscar D.Survey Party ChiefPublic Works19
Perez, CecilioPower TransmissionLADWPN/D
Poole, Barry J.Power TransmissionLADWPN/D
Price, Tanya K.Sr. Project CoordinatorEcon./Wrkfrc Dev.1
Ramey, Paul A.Security ServicesLADWPN/D
Ramirez, Gerardo S.Refuse Collection Super.Public Works34
Richards, Randall J.Power SupplyLADWPN/D
Rodriguez, Janeiro F.Metering ServicesLADWPN/D
Rodriguez, Tina LeeChief Pers. AnalystPersonnel31
Rowe, IreneAdv. Practice ProviderPersonnel20
Rucker, Tracy M.Human ResourcesLADWPN/D
Shillings, RenaCustomer ServiceLADWPN/D
Shoji, Brian K.Parking Meter Tech.Transportation14
Smith, Rickey CarlGardener/CaretakerRec and Parks22
Solomon-Garbutt, GeraldineWater ExecutiveLADWPN/D
Starks, Steven T.Customer ServiceLADWPN/D
Stephens, Robert W.Energy ControlLADWPN/D
Sullano, Magno MarcoSr. Env. Compl. Insp.Public Works30
Terry, Felicia Y.Metering ServicesLADWPN/D
Usher, Jane E.City AttorneyCity Atty/LACERS7
Van Vuren, Scott A.Bulk PowerLADWPN/D
Vargas, David D.Street Services Super.Public Works20
Villa, NorbertoCustodianAirports17
Villasenor, RodolfoEnv. Chem LabLADWPN/D
Vujicich, DaniloSecurity ServicesLADWPN/D
Watanabe, KiyoshiAccounting ClerkAirports37
Williams, Deron E.Council AideCouncil30
Williams, Rhonda Y.Police Service RepLAPD33
Wong, Chuck W.Power C&MLADWPN/D
Wong, JimmyForensic Print SpecialistLAPD36
Yousef, Victor A.Power C&MLADWPN/D
Zaragoza, Theresa GloriaDetention OfficerLAPD20
Zepeda Jr., DanielSecurity ServicesLADWPN/D