Here’s a listing of all those who retired from the City this month.

To all we say, welcome to the Best Years!


You can click on the arrows in the top row to sort by NAME, TITLE, DEPARTMENT or YEARS OF SERVICE. View 10, 25, 50 or 100 per page by clicking on Show Entries.

Arebalo, Richard P.Env. Chem LabLADWPN/D
Ausherman, Daniel M.Power TransmissionLADWPN/D
Barney, Daniel A.Power TransmissionLADWPN/D
Baltazar, Lois A.Sr. Mgmt. AnalystAirports32
Bishop, Francis J.Background InvestigatorPersonnel14
Bohorquez, Paul A.Security ServicesLADWPN/D
Bracewell, Eddie F.Power TransmissionLADWPN/D
Brann, Brian E.Power TransmissionLADWPN/D
Caballero, SabasMaintenance LaborerPublic Works19
Caradine, Mark DanielDelivery DriverPublic Works31
Castillo, GuadalupeCrossing GuardTransportation4
Cheng, Shao GangSr. LibrarianLibrary18
Cheung, Ruby M.Retirement Plan OfficeLADWPN/D
Clark, Mark A.Equipment Super.LAFD27
De Guzman, Esperanza M.Administrative ClerkLibrary21
De La Campa, Angel C.Water DistributionLADWPN/D
Deges, Brenda E.Customer ServiceLADWPN/D
Diaz, Elizabeth A.Customer ServiceLADWPN/D
Dunlap, Carla A.Police Service RepLAPD22
Espinosa, Clarence R.Mgmt. Analyst/HRAirports/LADWP 3N/D
Estrada, William D.CuratorEl Pueblo10
Ewell, Gary WayneBuilding InspectorBldg. & Safety5
Farraj, Sager I.Power PlanningLADWPN/D
Fetalco, RomuloHousing InspectorHousing15
Forgette, GeoffreySr. Construction Inspect.Public Works20
Fredgren, Trang NguyenSr. Forensic Print Spec.LAPD32
Gonzalez, Lorraine LisaMaintenance LaborerLADOT21
Harrahill, Donald JosephSr. Personnel AnalystPersonnel33
Hathaway, Craig A.Municipal Police OfficerAirports6
Hoang, Kelvin A.Water OperationsLADWPN/D
Honles, Guillermo A.Power PlanningLADWPN/D
Hormozi, Farshad J.Power Reg.LADWPN/D
Hsu, Molly L.Power Ext. EnergyLADWPN/D
Hung, Tat ShunSpecial Prog. AssistantRec & Parks6
Hunter, Sydne L.Mgmt. AnalystPublic Works20
Hurd, Paulette E.Administrative ClerkRec & Parks6
Kapoh, Susan ObesoMunicipal Police Sgt.LAPD31
Kharaghani, ShahramPr. Environmental Eng.Public Works35
Khoo, Sheila S.Power PlanningLADWPN/D
Kiaman, GeorgePower C&MLADWPN/D
Kimura, Kyle M.Env. Chem LabLADWPN/D
Kubo, Linda M.Power Reg.LADWPN/D
Lawrence, DebbieSr. City PlannerPlanning15
Lee, ChiunghsiChemistPublic Works31
Martinez, Alex A.Water DistributionLADWPN/D
McFarland, GraceAdministrative ClerkHousing20
McNeely, Paul KevinSr. Mgmt. AnalystController’s Off.30
McReynolds, Brent E.Water OperationsLADWPN/D
Mojica, Laura C.Sr. Mgmt. AnalystPublic Works32
Mowery, LisaCFO, SanitationPublic Works30
Nauta, Lisa M.Sr. GardenerRec & Parks10
Nelson, Stephen R.Historic Site CuratorRec & Parks24
Nelson, Steven L.Security OfficerAirports3
Okada, Kelley N.Accounting ClerkAirports32
Pelaez, Venus M.SecretaryLAPD27
Perkins, Basil JosephAnimal Control OfficerAnimal Ser.21
Perria, Steven A.Water DistributionLADWPN/D
Price, JordanInstrument TechPublic Works24
Renzetti, Valentina IngaAnimal KeeperZoo30
Rico, James J.Metering ServicesLADWPN/D
Robinson, MarcelleSr. Admin. ClerkHarbor12
Rodriguez, RaulFleet ServicesLADWPN/D
Sanchez, Nick A.CriminalistLAPD30
Schahmoradi, Mariam J.Water EngineeringLADWPN/D
Sells, Chrystal L.Metering ServicesLADWPN/D
Sewell, Timothy E.Supply ChainLADWPN/D
Shott, Michael S.Water OperationsLADWPN/D
Shutty, Robert L.Water OperationsLADWPN/D
Sidley, Janna BethSr. Assist. City AttorneyCity Attorney26
Simmons, Gary O.Env. Chem LabLADWPN/D
Soderstrom, Charles E.Water EngineeringLADWPN/D
Solomon, Lisa M.Security ServicesLADWPN/D
Soto, DanielRefuse Coll. Truck Op.Public Works15
Stanberry, Theresa T.Mgmt. AssistantCAO1
Strauch, EricConstruction InspectorAirports20
Tam, Shiu MoSecurity OfficerLAPD11
Theisen, Christopher A.Energy Support ServicesLADWPN/D
Torres, Melanie AlabastroSr. Mgmt. AnalystAirports33
Troutman Jr., Lawrence A.Water OperationsLADWPN/D
Varas, LourdesPolice Service RepLAPD32
Walker, Racheal LenoreSr. Personnel AnalystAirports30
White, Carl WendellAnimal Care TechAnimal Ser.11
Whiting, Karen L.Security OfficerAirports11
Wiggs, David H.GM’s OfficeLADWPN/D
Williams, James JosephBackground InvestigatorPersonnel20
Wong, Marcus M.Power SupplyLADWPN/D
Yeh, Oscar L.Power C&MLADWPN/D
Young, Brian A.Special InvestigatorController21
Zillotto, Stephanie L.ITSLADWPN/DD