Here’s a listing of all those who retired from the City this month.

To all we say, welcome to the Best Years!


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Abeyta, ChristophRefuse Collection Truck OpPublic Works31
Aboulhosn, Chaouki M.Building Elec. Engr.Harbor34
Akahoshi, Francis N.Power SupplyLADWPN/D
Allevato, Judy S.Pr. Public Rel. Rep.Zoo5
Alloway, Kenneth L.Power TransmissionLADWPN/D
Anguiano, ZenaidaRec Asst.Rec and Parks6
Arikawa, NormanDept. Chief Acct.Harbor54
Arredondo, PaulEquipment MechanicLAPD33
Aubert, Brenda ReneeAccounting Rec Supv.Harbor34
Azucena, MarioSystems AnalystITA5
Bailey, Lawrence DouglasHeavy Duty Truck OpPublic Works5
Barfield, Jeff LavellParking Mtr. Tech. Supv.Transportation23
Barrera, Dante D.Supply ChainLADWPN/D
Barrios, EricAsst.Park Svcs. AttendantRec and Parks8
Benjamin, Aprile E.Systems AnalystHarbor39
Bernard, ErlHeavy Duty Equip. Mech.LAFD30
Biazevich, Danette M.Pr. ClerkHarbor32
Bickel, David ArthurPr. Construction InspectorHarbor33
Blair, John C.Dep. City AttorneyCity Attorney51
Bond, Julie JanWharfingerHarbor34
Brackett, Isabel Abata ReviSr. Administrative ClerkLAPD23
Brown, Joyce B.Customer ServiceLADWPN/D
Brown, Reylindahl G.Payroll SupvervisorHarbor32
Brown, Yolanda M.Exec. Admin. Asst.Harbor33
Burton, Anna M.Emergency Mgt. Coord.Harbor30
Cabrera, RonaldEnv. Chem LabLADWPN/D
Carrasco, VictorOfficerLAPD33
Choi, KuokfaiLab TechPublic Works29
Cipolla, Annie C.Sr. LibrarianLibrary13
Cole, Winston FredsonStruct. Engr. AssociateBldg. & Safety3
Cook, Melissa A.Sr. Admin. ClerkBldg. & Safety10
Cordero-Gonzales, Adeline M.Gen. ServicesLADWPN/D
Cortes, JeremiahITSLADWPN/D
Cruz, Myrna M.Accounting/FinanceLADWPN/D
Cumbess, Mark F.PlumberHarbor14
David, Arlene YvetteAdmin. ClerkZoo7
Delatorre, DeniseSecretaryHarbor29
Diaz, EnriquePower TransmissionLADWPN/D
Dixon, Hewitt W.Power TransmissionLADWPN/D
Dukes, Chris DerrickWarehouse WorkerGen. Services18
Durden, Seanean MariaSr. Police Service RepLAPD32
Easter, Shenita LynPolice Service RepLAPD10
Eckstein, MarcChief PhysicianLAFD20
Enfiajian, DonnaCivil Engr. AssociateHarbor36
Esparza, JoannSr. Administrative ClerkHarbor37
Ewing, Vincent J.Truck OperatorPublic Works25
Faunce, Michael E.Sr. Build. Mech. InspectorBldg. & Safety35
Ferrell, Kevin WayneRooferHarbor13
Flores, Uthai TinaAdministrative ClerkPublic Works26
Foley, C. JohnEnviron. Affairs Ofc.Harbor36
Folsom, Brian J.Energy SupportLADWPN/D
Fricke, Stuart LeeHarbor EngineerHarbor37
Gabriel, Verdy M.Elec. Engr. AssociateHarbor32
Galassi, Romano V.Civil Engr. AssociatePublic Works30
Garcia, Joseph LopezRef. Collection Truck Op.Public Works31
Gastelum, Lori H.Exec. Admin. Asst.Harbor30
Gordon, Derrick PeterPlumberPublic Works20
Graham, James DavidRef. Collection Truck Op.Public Works32
Guaderrama, Richard EnriqueAutomotive Supv.Gen. Services37
Gyiraszi, Sarah C.Sr. Mgmt. AnalystLACERS19
Hadnot, Robert GeorgeRef. Coll. Truck Op.Public Works38
Hall, Gilbert DennisRef. Coll. Truck Op.Public Works24
Han, JosephineCivil EngineerPublic Works16
Harris, Carl R.Power CMLADWPN/D
Harris, Russell T.Ref. Coll. Truck Op.Public Works33
Haywood, Terrell M.Security OfficerAirports21
Helganz, Charles H.Env. Chem LabLADWPN/D
Herrera, Armida C.Youth Emp. Spec.Econ./Wrkfrc. Dev.4
Hess, James R.Energy Dist.LADWPN/D
Hightower, Wilbur B.Security OfficerHarbor15
Hines, Michlyn M.Pr. Animal KeeperZoo15
Holmes, Roger M.Water OperationsLADWPN/D
Honesto, Daniel R.CustodianGen. Services30
Huang, Yolanda DeguzmanDept. Chief Acct.Fire/Police Pens.30
Jefferson, Ronald C.Water DistributionLADWPN/D
Jenkins, Bradley StevenPr. Const. InspectorHarbor31
Lau, Benjamin W.Field Engineer AidePublic Works36
Laurin, Maurice C.Env. Chem LabLADWPN/D
Lepone, Raymond M.Real Estate OfficerHarbor6
Leymore, Joseph AnthonySr. Police Service RepLAPD34
Lim, Angel P.Sr. Structural EngineerHarbor31
Lopez, Jesus A.Crossing GuardTransportation4
Luck, Rodney A.Ext. Energy ResourcesLADWPN/D
Martin, Daryl R.Electrician Supv.Harbor7
Martinez, Guillermo A.Maintenance LaborerPublic Works19
Mayorga, FelipePower SafetyLADWPN/D
McCann, David J.Power CMLADWPN/D
McCaskill, Patrick L.Water QualityLADWPN/D
Meksavanh, SomvangEnvironmental Spec.Airports30
Mena, Maria T.Special Prog. Asst.Rec and Parks6
Mendez, Marcos FrankBuild. Mech. InspectorBldg. & Safety20
Minjares, ManuelEnv. Chem LabLADWPN/D
Minor, Lawren H.Bulk Power BusinessLADWPN/D
Morones, Lynn T.Power Exec. OfficeLADWPN/D
Munoz, LuisMaintenance LaborerPublic Works23
Nelons, BoPower CMLADWPN/D
Ochoa, Orlando OvidioSr. Detention OfficerLAPD31
Ortiz, Kenneth C.Metering ServicesLADWPN/D
Pate, PhilipSystems ProgrammerHarbor33
Peng, Ching W.Sr. Env. Compliance Insp.Public Works28
Perez, AntonioCouncil AideCity Council20
Pierce, Daniel L.Wastewater Mgr.Public Works39
Poosti, AliPr. Civil EngineerPublic Works31
Poozhikala, Pious JosephSr. AccountantHarbor28
Provinchain, Cheryl M.Sr. Mgmt. AnalystHarbor32
Quiocho, Josefina TorresSr. AccountantController22
Ramirez, Francisco D.Shift Supt. Wastewater Trmt.Public Works37
Reed, Michael D.CustodianAirports16
Reyes, Gilbert J.Power TransmissionLADWPN/D
Reyes, RobertLight Equip. OperatorRec and Parks20
Riggs, Casey RyanInfo. Systems Oper. Mgr.ITA30
Riley, Patrick O.Energy DistributionLADWPN/D
Roberts, Lisa MichelleCivil Engr. AssociateHarbor30
Robles, DavidSr. Systems AnalystHarbor39
Rosales, SergioPort Maintenance Supv.Harbor30
Ruiz, RafaelSt. Services WorkerPublic Works21
Santos, Carlos AlbertoSr. Evn. Compliance Insp.Public Works32
Seal, Donette F.Metering ServicesLADWPN/D
Segura Jr., RogelioPower CMLADWPN/D
Shaw, Gary R.CustodianAirports19
Sims, Shon R.Facilities Mgmt.LADWPN/D
Smith, Charles W.Mech. Repair Gen. Supv.Harbor43
Smith, Deanna N.Workers Comp Claims Asst.Airports30
Soohoo, LoreanMgmt. AnalystLAPD25
Strouse, Michael P.Sr. Mgmt. AnalystAirports35
Sugahara, Susan H.Sr. Personnel AnalystPersonnel23
Torres, HenryMaintenance LaborerHarbor18
Truong, Richard HienInfo System Mgr.City Clerk31
Villanueva Jr., ErnestoFacilities Mgmt.LADWPN/D
Villasenor, ElviaGardener CaretakerHarbor15
Walls, Gerald J.Special Prog. Asst.Rec and Parks9
White, John AndrewLegislative Asst.City Clerk32
Wong, HaulEnvironmental Engr.Public Works31
Worley, Robert E.ITSLADWPN/D
Yin, Eddy Li LiPr. Prop. OfficerLAPD27