Your essential guide to insurance
(CA License No: 0H45598)
Retirees, Make Sure You Maintain
Membership and Access to Club Benefits
Hello Retirees!
Congratulations on your years of service with the City and the end to a beautiful career. However, this is not the end, it is the beginning of something new … which means you must plan for this new season of life!
First step: If you have not contacted the Club yet to complete a form to have your Club Membership and/or insurance deducted from your pension, please do so ASAP! Even if you are not newly Retired, please call (800) 464-0452 or email help@employeesclub.com and let us know that you are a Retiree and need to complete a pension form. Never worry about a bill or late payment. Pension deduction is the most convenient and easiest way to handle your deductions. Offered to Club Members.
Second step: Protect your family from financial loss by applying for the Club’s Life Insurance.
- Coverage is available for Members, spouses, and dependent children
- Benefits range from $10,000 to $50,000.
Speak to a Club Retirement Specialist. Don’t wait!
Continue Your Club Connection!
Attention! If you’re planning on retiring soon, newly Retired, or have been Retired but want to switch your deductions to be conveniently deducted from your pension, you must complete this Authorization Form. Without this form, your insurances and Membership might be discontinued, or you may incur back dues.
Download the form here, complete it and email it to info@employeesclub.com. Or mail it to:
Employees Club of California
Attn: Member Services
311. S. Spring St., Suite 1300
Los Angeles, CA. 90013
Questions? Don’t hesitate to contact our Retiree specialists at
info@employeesclub.com or (800) 464-0452
Resources for Club Retirees or Those About to Retire
2023 EventsDec. 16, 2023 LARFPA Holiday
Contact InformationEmployees Club of California LA City Employees’ Retirement System (LACERS) (City Dept.) LADWP Retirees Association Fire and Police Pensions (City Dept.) LA Retired Fire and Police Association (LARFPA) Retired Los Angeles City Employees, Inc. (RLACEI) |
LACEA Insurance Services, Inc. (Employees Club of California) is a licensed insurance agency offering insurance benefits to qualified Club members. The Club’s CA DOI Lic. is #0B98000.