The interview took place July 15, 2011 on Main Street between Third and Fourth Streets downtown by Noah Hawkins, son of Club Association President John Hawkins.
Meet Ron Moore
Age: “I’m 54.”
Birthplace: “Los Angeles.”
Marital status: “I’m divorced. I have a 13-year-old daughter that I really love and would like to see, but my condition doesn’t really warrant that.”
Family: “I have two sisters and one brother. I am the oldest.”
Are your parents divorced? “Yes. Before they died, they were divorced.”
Military service: “I was in the [U.S.] Navy for three years. I was assigned to the USS Carl Vinson, a Nimitz-class super carrier.”
When did you move to Los Angeles? “I was born here in County General.”
Education: “I graduated from high school, but that’s it.”
Favorite childhood memory: “Oh man! My best memory is when I rode my dad’s Harley-Davidson… at nine years old!”
Awards or medals: “I have trophies and stuff from high school.”
Religion: “I believe in Jesus, but that’s about it.”
Friends: “I have lots of friends, but mainly stick to myself.”
Where do you live? “I don’t want to give away my location because it’s in a really quiet out-of-the-way place, but I live in a tent and it’s somewhere downtown.”
How did you end up on the streets? “About 15 years ago my grandmother died. That really tore me up and sent me into a strong depression. Then I got divorced and it went downhill from there. Alcohol has not helped the situation, that’s for sure.”
What was the last job you had? “Occasionally I work out in Vegas, building big ad signs.”
Favorite place in the City: “McArthur Park.”
Favorite sport: “I used to play baseball.”
Favorite actor: “Nicolas Cage.”
Favorite actress: “Demi Moore.”
Favorite movie: “Ocean’s Eleven or Face-Off.”
Favorite TV show: “Definitely I Love Lucy.”
Favorite candy: “I love Hershey’s Kisses.”
Favorite music: “Classic rock.”
Last book read: “Red Dragon.”
Advice for everyday people: “Smile back.”
Last thing eaten: “I had a Whopper from Burger King.
No cheese.”
On medication? “No.”
Who or what organization has been the biggest help to you? “The Midnight Mission, but the problem with the missions is that more and more they want something in return, like your soul.”
If you could wish for anything, what would it be? “My life back.”
If you had $1 million, what would you do with it? “Give it to my daughter.”
If you were the mayor of Los Angeles, what would you do to help the homeless? “I would keep the cops off my back, you know, limit the harassment.”
Most prized possession: “My blanket.”

The Club gave Ron shaving cream, a toothbrush and toothpaste, soap, two pairs of socks, shampoo, hand wipes, some food, $20 and some bottled water.