In this feature, Club Founder and Training Officer John Hawkins introduces you to people you see every day, but you might not know who they are. The Club reminds you that we all have names and our stories to tell.
Meet Asti Sisco
Note: This interview includes language of the street that might not be appropriate for all readers.
John’s impression: “Asti was a good-natured man – friendly, personable, and quite a showman. And he loved the camera.”
Location of interview: Main Street across from Union Station.
Birthday: Sept. 19, 1983 (40)
Birthplace: “Cincinnati.”
Education: After graduating from high school, he earned degrees in electrical engineering and computer science from the Ohio State University.
Family: “I have two sisters.”
After college: “I did more drugs, leading to a prison sentence for selling weed and cocaine to an undercover cop,” he alleged.
Drugs admittedly taken: Cocaine, mushrooms, marijuana and heroin, he alleged.
Lessons in prison: “I learned some valuable life lessons and became a master barber.”
Path to LA: “After ‘hoe-ing’ around from place to place, I had no more people I could stay with” … combined with “not being able to follow directions from my grandmother. I became an ‘apprentice’ to my cousin and moved to Florida selling meth,” he alleged. Soon he was under the care of a “sugar Mama” for several years. When that ended, he headed to Los Angeles.
Current medications: “None, although I wish I was,” he joked.
Favorite candy: “Jolly Rancher cherry and De la Rosa mazapan.”
Favorite movie: “The Fifth Element.”
Favorite TV show: “That ’70s Show.”
Last meal: “Pancakes this morning.”
Make a wish: “That my sister wasn’t in prison at the moment,” he alleged. “That I knew who the Creator was. That I never started taking drugs.”

The Club gave Asti $40 for his time and his modeling debut.
The interview was conducted by Club Founder John Hawkins on Dec. 14, 2023. The contents described here were taken directly from a video recording.