Life’s Important Moments: In Memoriam August 2022

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In Memoriam

Our thoughts and condolences are with the family and friends of the following current and retired City employees who have passed away. The number after the name indicates years of service.

Active (name, dept., years of service)

Biddle, Michelle R. Rec and Parks 16
Crawford, Paris R. LAPD 1
Gardner, Gary L. Airports 16
Glaze, Roxanne F. Rec and Parks 16
Greer, Lisa A. LADWP 17
Hickman, Francine Transportation 7
Johnson, Mark A. LADWP 11
Ortega, Miguel Rec and Parks 12
Payne, Kyle Airports 16
Piontek, Edwin M. Rec and Parks 16
Puga, Robert S. Public Works 4

Retired (name, dept., years of service)

Alaan, Sam L. N/D N/D
Albelda, Guia P. LADWP 15
Alvarez, Tony N/D N/D
Anders, David L. LADWP 29
Anglade, Justino LADWP 25
Barrett, Arthur R. N/D N/D
Berlin, Sharon S. Rec and Parks 25
Bermudes, Rudolph Gen. Services 24
Bilich, Thomas LADWP 19
Bolneo, Augusto A. LAPD 22
Bruno, Albert N/D N/D
Chapman, Marion A. Public Works 33
Cordova, Alicia Transportation 30
Croil, Smith J. N/D N/D
Dalton, Paul E. LAPD 16
Dennis, Samuel L. Public Works 31
Domingo, Concepcion T. N/D N/D
Donske, David LADWP 29
Dunlap, Louis Public Works 24
Elliott, Lawrence G. LADWP 34
Feng, Chin H. Rec and Parks 24
Findlay, Helen R. LADWP 14
Flucus, Shirley J. LAPD 40
Franco, John M. Public Works 40
Gaspar, Kevin C. LADWP 24
Gilbert, Robert W. N/D N/D
Gonzalez, Alice T. LADWP 24
Granoski, Ellen B. LADWP 3
Green, Stephen I. N/D N/D
Hale, Leo N/D N/D
Hall, Calvert W. LADWP 27
Hamac, Deogracias E. Transportation 11
Handy, James K. LADWP 31
Harrell, Gary D. Harbor 41
Hines, Myrtle N. N/D N/D
Hobbs, Evelyn A. N/D N/D
Humes, Roy A. Public Works 19
Jackson, Nancy E. LADWP 19
Jenkins, Mark E. LAPD 20
Kehoe, Bryan Bldg. & Safety 12
Keller, Mark T. LADWP 29
Kennedy, Ronald W. N/D N/D
Klipness, Gerald R. Personnel 4
Kovar, Richard B. LADWP 34
Kurtz, Willa N/D N/D
Larrigan, Gloria L. LAPD 30
Lee, Hendon LAPD 30
Lee Jr. Leroy M. LADWP 34
Liu, An-Kuo LADWP 24
Lomosad, Vicente LADWP 30
Lopez, George V. N/D N/D
Martin, Millard D. N/D N/D
Melara, Jose A. Rec and Parks 20
Moore, Arthur L. N/D N/D
Murillo, Lino L. LADWP 30
Nardi, Peter A. LADWP 29
Nesbit, Sherrill LADWP 39
Nieto, Richard M. Rec and Parks 46
Oliver, Joseph W. Gen. Services 22
Puz, John A. LADWP 28
Ricard, Raphael M. Harbor 31
Richardson, Elizabeth J. LADWP 2
Rocke, John C. City Attorney 34
Rose, Wanda L. Airports 25
Ross, Marvalyn Y. Airports 35
Scherb, Eva M. N/D N/D
Schneider, Elizabeth N/D N/D
Seros, Edith N/D N/D
Smith, Harold R. LADWP 31
Tappan, James G. LADWP 11
Tarver, Lee F. N/D N/D
Thompson, Michael T. LADWP 31
Touchette, Mary A. LADWP 16
Waters, Richard L. N/D N/D
Wu, Charles L. Public Works 23
Yee, Stephen Airports 46

N/D = not disclosed