Our thoughts and condolences are with the family and friends of the following current and retired City employees who have passed away. The number after the name indicates years of service.
Active (years of service)
Akpanokon, Francis Public Works 18 Livesay, Dena Airports 2 months
Dugar, Ronald Rec and Parks 16
Earnest, Thomas Public Works 15
Hill, Gladys Transportation 6
Kitahara, Jason LACERS 16
Morales, Berny Public Works 15
Shaw, Ethelyn Council 4
Turner, Sean Public Works 15
Retired (years of service)
Abrams, Lawrence DWP 37 Lindvay, Paul DWP 34
Beuerlein, Albert LAPD 32
Barrios, Alfred Transportation 33
Biessels, Maria City Attorney 21
Birkenbach, Adam Harbor 41
Bowen, Paul Public Works 35
Bullara, Janet Library 37
Burks, Kelley Library 24
Calzada, Alexander Harbor 26
Couden, James DWP 19
Curtin, Robert DWP 34
Davis, Ralph Public Works 37
Dennis, Duane DWP 19
Endo, Yasuko DWP 29
Erikson, Charles DWP 30
Espiritu, Antonio Rec and Parks 28
Fields, Valerie Mayor’s Office 20
Fontes, Antonio DWP 36
Fore, Curtis Public Works 27
Foust, Earl DWP 33
Fredholm, Sidney LAPD 32
Freitas, Francis DWP 33
Garcia, Esther DWP 29
Greenwald, Evelyn Library 43
Hamamoto, Thomas Public Works 32
Harvey, Edward General Services 27
Henderson, Clarence DWP 35
Horton, James DWP 29
Jackson, Charlotte Library 43
Jolley, Jeannette DWP 12
Kawasaki, Victor DWP 28
Keeble, Renee Transportation 18
Keyner, Andrew Public Works 21
Klyng Jr., Robert DWP 21
Lambert, Gene Public Works 30
Lee, Ansy General Services 25
Lew, Raymond DWP 37
Liberty, Jerry LAPD 27
Lockridge, Lora Harbor 11
Lucero, Eugene Rec and Parks 28
Mack, Lee DWP 33
Manley, David Public Works 35
Martinez, Frank Rec and Parks 30
Mason, Barney DWP 18
Matoi, Masaru Planning 31
Mattingly, Gary Fire & Police Pensions 38
McNally, Michael DWP 27
Miller, Michael DWP 30
Mitchell, Sheronda Transportation 27
Mosley, Sammie Public Works 22
Niebrugge, Francis DWP 19
O’Brien, David Library 38
Ovesny, Kenny Rec and Parks 14
Palardy, Michael Public Works 33
Rivera, Pedro Building and Safety 13
Rodarte, Salvador Council 29
Royal, Warren Public Works 30
Runnell, Roscoe Public Works 33
Sands, Denise Rec and Parks 9
Shewmaker, David DWP 28
Sigler, Marvin DWP 20
Smith, Rubye Personnel 40
Stein, Albert Airports 24
Suehiro, Robert DWP 30
Sullivan, Michael DWP 32
Taad, Manuela Econ./Workforce Dev. 20
Thomas, James DWP 18
Tucker, Sandra DWP 41
Valentine, Ellis Public Works 18
Whitmer, Bessie Airports 26
Wilson, Richard DWP 24
Yamashiro, Seiko Building and Safety 32
Yee, David General Services 14
Zager, Victor DWP 32