Larios in the City: October 2022

Robert Larios, Club President and CEO, honors Club Members with the coveted Club Retirement Plaque.

This month’s honorees are:

  • Jacinto Gomez Jr
  • Rena Shillings
  • Maria Vizcarra
  • Barry Southall
  • Luis Rodriquez
  • Noel Pimentel
  • Daphne Evangelista

Jacinto Gomez Jr.

Jacinto Gomez Jr., LADWP, Retired after 32.5 years of service.

Rena Shillings

LADWP, Retired after 35 years of City service

Maria Vizcarra

LADWP, Retired after 40 years of City service.

Barry Southall

LADWP, Retired after 41 years of City service.

Luis Rodriquez

Public Works/Street Services, Retired after 34 years of City service.

Noe Pimentel

LADWP, Retired after 35 years of City service.

Daphne Evangelista

LADWP, Retired after 35 years of City service.