by John Hawkins, President and CEO, The Club
Happy New Year, Club Members!
As we greet 2021 after a very difficult stretch that’s not over yet, the simple act of wishing you joy and prosperity might seem hollow. But I mean it! Help is on the way, and the City is holding together, significantly because of your hard work over the last ten months.
Our series of cover stories on the City’s response to the coronavirus has featured the hard work you’ve been performing. And that series continues – much like the virus itself – with this month’s feature, where we get to the heart of it all: Emergency Management’s Operations Center.
It’s an awesome operation that brings all the chiefs together in one location to manage the City’s emergencies. The EOC was ready for the usual assortment of earthquakes, floods, fires, broken pipes, storm surges, and many other calamities. This one, however, is different. I’ll let them tell you how they’re managing; just read this month’s excellent interview.
You should know we’re also producing these stories with all protocols in mind. I give a shoutout to Jessica Kellogg, Public Information Officer, who worked hard to make our story happen. We also thank Aram Sahakian, Carol Parks and Jaqueline Koci Tamayo for their assistance. (Jessica, Carol and Jackie are Club Members; it never surprises me how Club Members are always in the thick of it in serving the City.)
The Emergency Operations Center is a City bond issue that paid off big for Angelenos. I thank the City for anticipating the need, and making it happen.
Elsewhere in this issue, I’m jazzed that we have a return of old favorite: Letters to the Editor! Apparently last month’s cover of me in my pajamas at home caused a reaction! Seriously, though, please write to us anytime to let us know where we did a good job, where we came up short, and what else we can do. And keep telling us about interesting stories and features you think we should cover. We serve you, our Club Member readers, so don’t be shy. In fact, I’ll repeat the address: talkback@employeesclub.com
We are now beginning the 20th edition of Alive!, which we revamped and started publishing again in late 2002. Can you believe it? Here at the beginning of 2021, the Club stands where we have always stood: serving you. Always looking for new ways to make your lives strong and rewarding. Giving you hope, as you have given it to us. As we say Club, now more than ever.
Happy New Year, everybody! Be safe, be healthy, be good.
— John