Goodbye, Jackie

I want to mention the retirement of a great Club Member – Jackie David, who retired in April from communications in Public Works. We’ve worked with Jackie on a number of stories and projects for close to two decades, and she contributed to Alive! regularly just after we recreated it.

She congratulated me a few years ago on my 20th anniversary with the Club, and now I want to congratulate her on her strong career with the City.

Jackie retired from Public Works. But before that, she was an integral part of the communications of Animal Services, where she took the brunt of some really terrible behavior by opponents of department policies. The LAPD and LAFD absorb a terrible beating at times, and for that we are grateful to them. But they aren’t the only employees who face hardships trying to live up to the City’s best practices that are available at the time. We didn’t mention the horrible threats she endured because it would have only exacerbated the situation. The City’s solution was to transfer her and her strong skills to Public Works, where we continued to work together.

Anyway, Jackie, thank you for your service to the City. The Club wishes you all the best in your much-deserved retirement.