Central Time!
Club photos by Summy Lam, Chief Operating Officer

The team from LADOT’s Central office took the crown at the first Club-sponsored co-ed basketball tournament, held Nov. 19 at the Expo Center.
The tournament included eight teams, all from LADOT – Central, Guzzlers, Hollywood 1, Hollywood 2, Valley, West, South and Traffic Jam (Traffic Engineers from the Transportation HQ downtown).
Central took the crown. Guzzlers finished fast in second place.
Hundreds of fans brought the energy level to an astonishing roar as they cheered on their family members and colleagues on the court.
Approximately 100 fans attended over the afternoon to cheer on their family athletes and colleagues.
The Club’s Sports Commissioner, Noelle Kauffman, managed the tournament for months in advance, and was on hand with Club CEO Robert Larios and Club Counselor Cheryl Martin at the Club table in the middle of it all.
Note to Club athletes: We’re ramping up our Club Sports program, starting small and bringing it back one limited event at a time. As we grow our capacity, we’ll keep you informed of more opportunities to compete.
Special thanks to Cesar Ponce and Anthony Cordova, LADOT Traffic Officers, for all their assistance; and Rec and Parks for their awesome cooperation.