Congratulations to the Club for an excellent 2019. Here’s to even greater years ahead as we begin our 91st!
A Strong Club for 2020
One again taking place during the holiday season, the Club held its 91st annual meeting Dec. 18 in the Tom Bradley Room high atop City Hall.
The meeting featured holiday décor, festive wishes, a comedy video starring Club CFO Brian Trent, the swearing-in of the Club Board, and annual awards.
Club CEO John Hawkins and Chief Operating Officer Robert Larios handled the hosting duties.
After the singing of the National Anthem, once again performed excellently by internationally acclaimed singer and Club Counselor Gedina Bergstrom, and then lunch, Robert Larios asked Andrew Virzi Jr., DWP, and Club Board Member, to present the new board, which was accepted unanimously and then sworn in by Brian Trent, the Club’s CFO.
The Club Board for 2020 is:
Andrew Virzi Jr., DWP;
Andrew Virzi III, DWP;
Terry Carter, LAPD; and
Capt. Danny Wu, LAFD.

Recognition for Great Club Service
The Club is all about great service to City Employees, and the second half of the luncheon was dedicated to recognition of exemplary service.
Club President’s Award

The Club President’s Award is given to a Club staff member who has gone above and beyond the scope of their job. The award was presented to Customer Service Representatives Genesis Martinez-Flores and Cesilee Castillo.
“Genesis and Cesilee are this year’s winners of the President’s Award,” said Noelle Kauffman, Club Member Services Manager. “And for good reason!
“As members of the Club’s Member Services Department and the special Call Center Unit, they pick up the telephone and speak to Members. They are the primary point of contact, the first voices that Members hear first. Anyone want to take a guess how many phone calls they manage per year? Fifty-thousand!
“And they do it with positive attitude, unending patience and a strong work effort that ultimately allow us to say that. without a doubt or reservation, the Employees Club is a world-class customer service organization. Nordstroms? In-N-Out Burger? Trader Joe’s? the Ritz-Carlton, Jet Blue? They fall far below the level of service Genesis and Cesilee provide.
“Cesilee and Genesis, you have set the bar high for all employees of the Club by being inspirations and examples for the rest of the staff. But most importantly, you have given our Club Members the ultimate in customer service, allowing us to truly celebrate the lives of City employees and experience California life and work, together.
“Thank you and congratulations to each of you!”
Club Representative Award

The Club Representative Award is given to a Club Rep who exemplifies excitement and enthusiasm for this great City, colleagues and the Club. The honor was given to Aixa Garcia, LAPD, by Robert Larios.
“The excitement and enthusiasm have been strong within this Club Rep since 2006 when she first became a Club Member,” said Club COO Robert Larios. “Since then she has been a strong supporter of the Club. Last year she was promoted to Management Analyst, so you know she has evaluated the Club and thinks it is of great value to her and coworkers. That’s 14 years of belief that the Club is the place that celebrates the lives of employees and the place that helps employees experience California life and work. She has done her part during that time to tell co-workers about the benefits and services offered, and experience those benefits and services for herself for her family. For years, she helped distribute valuable news on Club benefits to her sworn and civilian colleagues at LAPD by word of mouth and email. She thinks of the Club for support and attendance at their events such as the Hollenbeck Area Picnic.
“The Employees Club of California is honored and privileged to recognize and award the 2019 Club Representative Award to Aixa Garcia.”