The ITA Connect2LA City Team: Connecting Home and Work
The first round of the vaccine in LA is being administered to healthcare workers and first responders, including the LAFD...
ITA Microwave unit maintains City communications system.
The City’s Information Technology Agency has a Microwave Service Unit tasked with maintaining and repairing much of the City’s critically important long-distance communication system (the DWP maintains its own network)...
Building ShakeAlertLA, the country’s first earthquake early warning app.
Released quietly last New Year’s Eve after many months of testing, ShakeAlertLA, the country’s first earthquake early warning phone app, is the latest in the City’s quest to bring modern technology into the everyday lives of Angelenos...
ITA honors employees with service pins.
Honoring Service
Story and photos courtesy Marina Sanchez, ITA
On March 6, the City’s Information Technology Agency (ITA) honored more than 40 of its employees celebrating...
Ted Ross, ITA General Manager, Honored by City Council
Councilwoman Monica Rodriguez and the Los Angeles City Council honored Ted Ross, General Manager, ITA, on June 6 for being selected as the Los...