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Carrie Adelia Gabriel is Retirees on the Move (PT.3)

It was an honor to represent RLACEI in the celebration of Ms. Carrie Gabriel’s 100th birthday at her home Jan. 28....

LACERS Adopts New Benchmark for Private Equity

When I sit down to write this column every month, I do what I can to keep from “getting deep in the weeds,” becoming too preoccupied with details or complexities of how our pension plan is run. However, every now and then I see a reason to break one of my rules...

The Structure of The LACERS Board

With Mayor Eric Garcetti likely heading off to India in the near future, it’s a good time to review the structure of the LACERS Board of Administration...

Review: Las Vegas Golf Club Course

I recently had the pleasure of joining my friend of decades, Steve King (Retired from the LADOT), for a round of golf at the Las Vegas Golf Club course minutes away from the strip...

LACERS Investment Report Shows Strong Performance

LACERS recently received a quarterly investment performance report from its consultant NEPC, showing strong performance across all time periods...

Carrie Adelia Gabriel is a Retiree on the move (Pt. 2)

Meet Carrie Adelia Gabriel (Part 2), an amazing Retiree on the move and an L.A. historical figure! She’s celebrating 100 years!...

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Make Audits of LACERS Meaningful

Charter Section 1112, added as part of the Charter revisions in 2000, requires the Mayor, Council and Controller to perform a management audit of LACERS “at least once in every five years”. That Charter provision goes on to state, “Each audit shall examine...

Carrie Adelia Gabriel is Retirees on the Move (PT.1)

Meet Carrie Adelia Gabriel, an amazing Retiree on the move and an L.A. historical figure! She’s celebrating 100 years!...