Traveling the world with work friends is all about laughing and staying young.

This is more than a story about traveling, or working, or retirement. It’s a story about friendship, with those other subjects all rolled into one. This is the story of the Cali Passport Posse (CPP)...

Three inspection managers take us inside LA’s housing crunch.

Los Angeles Housing Dept. faces the challenge every working day of taking care of citizens in need, all according to housing code. On the front lines is the department’s inspection services...

LAPD Chaplains come to the spiritual aide of Officers in need.

Who helps LAPD Officers on their toughest days? That would be the Chaplain Corps, a team of 50 religiously trained men and women help the Officers and their families deal with sometimes tragic events...

WWII Veteran Herbert Moore, Retired, Controller’s Office, reflects on the Battle of the Bulge,...

He deployed into the Battle of the Bulge sweeping for mines, building bridges and fixing countless roads for the advancing Allied troops. Here’s his story...

PANDEMIC: The City Responds

For anyone thinking about retiring in the next five years to the recently retired, this event is for you!

LAPD revolutionizes urban policing with eBikes.

For anyone thinking about retiring in the next five years to the recently retired, this event is for you!

Christmas means teddy bears for traveling children.

Airport Police marks five years of giving teddy bears to traveling children at LAX on Christmas morning...

ITA Microwave unit maintains City communications system.

The City’s Information Technology Agency has a Microwave Service Unit tasked with maintaining and repairing much of the City’s critically important long-distance communication system (the DWP maintains its own network)...

New CEO Denise Verret, makes history and charts the Zoo’s future.

This past summer, the City both made history and prepared for its next few decades. Denise Verret, 31 years of City service, Club Member, was named the CEO and Director of the Los Angeles Zoo and Botanical Gardens...

Waste Not: Sanitation leads the way to a greener water future.

LA Sanitation’s Traci Minamide is leading the City into a future of innovative wastewater recycling and clean water operations...