The Call to Help

Club Members might wonder how we develop our stories. This month provides an exceptional example.

From the River, a Cover

Like most of you, the Club took the day off on Monday, March 28, to honor civil rights hero César Chávez. But the persistent and...

One Cool Club

What a genius idea! That was my thought in researching our cover story this month: cooling the street pavement and adding more shade trees to help Los Angeles reduce the City temperature...

The Heat Is On, for Equity

As the Alive! team stood on a West Florence Avenue sidewalk photographing LA’s Chief Heat Officer, Marta Segura, the point became difficult to ignore: We began in the cool of the morning...

The Point Is Kids

The impressive PlayLA Youth and Adaptive Sports Initiative has already signed up more than 120,000 young athletes in less than one year; I am told PlayLA is the biggest one-time expansion of sports activities in Rec and Parks history...

Stepping Up to Have a Say

Attentive readers of Alive! in print and online might notice that we photographed the new Olivia E. Mitchell Youth Council in a handsome but common place – the steps of City Hall. Anyone associated with the City of Los Angeles knows those steps...

Honoring Their Service

Alive! has never published a cover story like the one this month. That is because we have never lost three people so important to Club Members in the matter of just a few months...

The Future Arrives

The future has arrived! I have seen it myself on duty at Fire Station 82 in East Hollywood. The LAFD’s new all-electric fire truck is indeed impressive. In this month’s Alive!, we dig deeper to tell you how it came about. Meet Battalion Chief Peter Hsiao, Capt. II Darius Cunnigan and Equipment Specialist II Michael Dunbar, who made it happen. (Let me also laud the stunning cover and inside photos by our Vice President of Marketing, Summy Lam.)

What Giving Means

In retirement, Zaki Mustafa, LADOT, Club Member, has transformed tens of thousands of lives. And maybe even his own...

Clear Skies Ahead

The email came clearly but gently one morning – asking if Alive! would consider producing a story on the Van Nuys Airport staff. We replied to him – Paul Herrera, Club Member – immediately…