R.I.P, Carolyn
I was saddened to hear the news of the recent death of Retired Sr. Librarian Carolyn Kozo Cole...
Our 100th ‘People We See’
Alive! on the Web, the exciting development we’ve been talking about for months now. David, Marie and their team at JJLA have been pulling double-duty...
Meet Rosa Tufts, Arson Investigator
As we were putting together our cover story this month on the LAFD’s Arson/Counter-Terrorism, we met Arson Investigator – and let’s say City legend...
Called to Fire Duty
I wanted to share a story about Club Member Scott Harmon, Tree Surgeon Supervisor II in charge of the West Valley emergency team...
Alive! Success Is By Design
Alive! on the Web, the exciting development we’ve been talking about for months now. David, Marie and their team at JJLA have been pulling double-duty...
Sailing Seas To the Future
Boat Capt. I Michael Barnes in the Harbor has long been an active Club Member, sending in his travelogues and commenting on stories we’ve published in Alive!...
Enjoy the Summer; Big Changes Ahead
“This is the City of LA?” I said as I looked around and met Club Director of Marketing Summy Lam and Alive! editor John Burnes in the parking lot of Orcutt Ranch in West Hills...