Help Fellow City Employees

As the virus pandemic continues in 2021, the hardships faced by some City Employees and their families are even more critical...

Moon Shot

She loves taking pictures of the moon. May 26, she hit a celestial trifecta – a super moon, a blood moon and a total lunar eclipse...

Club Mobile Team is ready to visit City worksites safely with gear, tickets, insurance,...

The Club: Say hi to the Club … in person again! The Club never stopped working for its Members...

Club Honors 28 with Mukai Scholarships

The Club is pleased to announce the winners of the Club’s annual Joannie Mukai Scholarship Program for 2020. An increased total -- 27 – of Club Members and their relatives have been awarded stipends

Send In Your Veterans Day Messages

In November we plan to post your messages and photos of the person in your life who has served our country (in uniform, if possible), to honor them for their service...

Salute to Veterans

The Club honors our Veterans. We are honored to salute, for the first time, our Club Member Veterans in honor of Veterans Day, Nov. 11. To all Club Veterans, thank you for your service! For Ercell Murray,...

Longtime Club Leader Robert Larios Promoted to CEO

On Oct. 26, Robert Larios, the Club’s Chief Operating Officer, was promoted to Chief Executive Officer by the LACEA Insurance Services Board, the governing body over the Employees Club, effective immediately...

The Club premieres its end-of-the-year recap video on YouTube.

Say Yes to the Club, a fun but informative video recap of 2021, will have its worldwide debut at noon Friday, Dec. 17 on the Club’s YouTube channel. Viewing will be open to everyone...

Shopping for Club gear and gifts is easier than ever!

The Club brings Christmas shopping to you this holiday season with three strong options to deliver awesome Club gifts and apparel into your hands, safely and conveniently...

Club Mobile Team is ready to visit City worksites safely. Say hi to the...

The Mobile Team is ready to visit your worksite Tuesdays through Thursdays. We can’t wait to see everybody again!