City Holiday Guide

There are a few events and dates remaining for the list of City holiday activities...

The City Parties: General Services

Every year, City departments put aside their hard work and come together for fun and socialization at their festive holiday parties...

The City Parties: LAFD

Every year, City departments put aside their hard work and come together for fun and socialization at their festive holiday parties...

That’s a Wrap!

In December the Club’s marketing team wrapped “The Truck Whisperer,” the Club’s latest video for its upcoming annual meeting...

Jim and Donna Booth stop by the Club Truck for Club merch.

Jim and Donna Booth remember the date well – they circled it in November’s Alive! For that’s when they planned to stop by the Club Truck in Chatsworth...

Holiday Party Spreads Festive Cheer!

The RLACEI annual holiday party brought more than 230 Retirees together at the Friendship Auditorium on Dec. 14...

Arlene on the Scene – Jan. 2024

Alive! follows the Club’s Arlene Herrero, Vice President of Business Development, as she meets Club Members...

RLACEI: Farewell and Thank You

The RLACEI Board of Directors sends its best wishes and a fond farewell to Board Director Tom Moutes, who served on the board for three years...

Sanitation begins its next class of engineering mentees.

On Dec. 11, the Bureau of Sanitation and Environment began its next class of Environmental Engineering Associate mentees...

Industry exec becomes new LAX CEO

John Ackerman, a longtime aviation industry executive was nominated as the new CEO of Los Angeles World Airports...