Club Sports: Jan. 2019

The Club Softball League’s North Division has reached its championship game. The final was set for Dec. 19, but rainouts have pushed that to Jan. 9...

General Services hosts annual Custodian Appreciation Day

On Nov. 1, 2019, General Services held its 21st annual Custodian Appreciation Day and Custodial Service Awards downtown...

SMART MOVE: Women’s Retirement Plans

The Employee Benefit Research Institute’s (EBRI) Retirement Confidence survey finds that men and women share several similar expectations with regard to their retirement outlooks. Both genders expect to retire at a median retirement age of 65 and, among those who have altered their retirement plans...

The Club visits Caltrans’ all-important META facility – the Maintenance Equipment Training Academy in Sacramento.

The Maintenance Equipment Training Academy (META) trains Caltrans maintenance workers and equipment operators in the safe and proper use of motorized equipment...

State of California

Here, employees of the State of California will find stories and features about fellow state employees, their departments, their interests. If you have a story that you think would be of interest to state employees, contact Alive!. RETURN TO STATE OF CALIF.   RETURN TO ALIVE!

The City In Bloom

Rec and Parks’ horticultural section offers five parks specially filled with floral delights, peaceful petals, gorgeous groves, community gardens … and even pickable fruit....

ALIVE! AROUND THE WORLD: Dubrovnik, Croatia, The Middle East, and Galway, Ireland

Alive! goes wherever you go! Club Members bring their recent copy of Alive! with them when they travel and and we publish their picture...

PEOPLE WE SEE: Meet Latrelle “Groove” Manning

Latrelle “Groove” Manning is 50 years old, has a 27-year-old daughter and has been living on the street for 35 years. He said his homelessness began when he got out of prison...

Retirements Listing: Jan. 2019

Here’s a listing of all those who retired from the City this month.

Larios in the City

Robert Larios, the Club’s Chief Operating Officer, honors Club members with the coveted Club Retirement Plaque.