The Club Insurance Corner: Why It’s Important to Update Your Information Regularly

by Noelle Kauffman, Director of Sales
(CA License No: 0H45598)

Keep your records up to date with the Club.
Review today!

When it comes to financial and legal planning, keeping your documents up to date is crucial. Life changes—sometimes unexpectedly—and ensuring your records reflect your current situation can save your loved ones from unnecessary stress and confusion. Here are three key areas to focus on during your regular document review:

Verifying Contact Information

One of the simplest yet most overlooked tasks is ensuring that the contact details of the institutions managing your accounts are correct. Whether it’s your insurance provider, bank or legal representatives, outdated information can lead to missed communications, delays or even loss of access to important accounts. Take a moment to check that names, phone numbers, and addresses are current and correct.

Updating Beneficiaries

Life events such as marriage, divorce, the birth of children or grandchildren, and even changes in financial priorities may impact your beneficiary designations. Regularly reviewing and updating these designations ensures that your assets will be distributed according to your wishes. Many people assume that their will dictates all inheritances, but beneficiary designations on insurance policies, retirement accounts and annuities take precedence over a will.

Organizing for Others

While you may have a firm grasp on where your important documents are stored, your loved ones may not. In case of an emergency, it is essential to have your records well-organized and easily accessible. Consider creating a secure yet accessible system for storing legal documents, insurance policies, account details and contact information so that a trusted family member or executor can step in if needed.

Taking the time to review and update your financial and legal documents on a regular basis can prevent complications and ensure a smooth transition for your loved ones when the time comes. A proactive approach today can spare your family from significant difficulties down the road.

Contact Club Counselors today by phone at (800) 464-0452 ext. 4
or by email at to review and update your information.

For Retirees or Those About to Retire

The Club is here to guide you through the retirement planning process every step of the way!

If you plan to retire soon or are newly Retired, you have access to attend a retirement planning party with Club Retiree Specialist Counselors that will set you up for success in retirement.

We will be reviewing topics including pension deduction, Retiree Life Insurance, Retiree Legal Insurance, the Club’s Retiree Mentorship Program, our Retiree Recognition Awards, and other valuable Club benefits.

The Club strives to make your transfer from active to Retired as easy as possible by guiding you through the processes; educating you on new, important topics; and welcoming you to our Club Retiree Community.

Attend a Retirement Planning Party!

Date: Last Thursday of each month (Choose one: April 30 or May 29)
Time: 1 – 2 p.m.
Location: Club Headquarters, 311 S. Spring St., Suite 1300, Downtown Los Angeles
Parking: Validated parking provided.

RSVP today!
To reserve a spot at an upcoming Club Retirement Planning Party:

Don’t hesitate to contact our Retiree specialists at  •  or (800) 464-0452


Meet Your Club Counselors!

Protect Yourself and Your Family with These Benefits Available Through the Club:

  • Life Insurance: Take the burden off your loved ones
  • Critical Illness and Cancer Insurance: Provide financial security
  • Accident Insurance: Ensure your peace of mind
  • MetLife Legal Insurance: Access legal help when you need it
  • Pet Insurance: Cover your furry friend’s health

Update your benefits and get all of your questions answered by booking a one on
one or group presentation appointment with your colleagues at your job site.

Email to request a Counselor visit today! 

LACEA Insurance Services, Inc. (Employees Club of California) is a licensed insurance agency offering insurance benefits to qualified Club members. The Club’s CA DOI Lic. is #0B98000.

Resources for Club Retirees or Those About to Retire

Contact Information

Club Retirees Dedicated Helpline:
Club contact:

LA City Employees’ Retirement System (LACERS) (City Dept.)
(800) 779-8328

LADWP Retirees Association
(949) 388-1206

Fire and Police Pensions (City Dept.)
(844) 885-2377

LA Retired Fire and Police Association (LARFPA)
(888) 288-5073

Retired Los Angeles City Employees, Inc. (RLACEI)

(800) 678-4145, Ext. 0



Ready to Retire? Use the Decision Shee

Here are the upcoming programs to help with your planning.

The Retirement Decision Sheet is a guide for important decisions to be made during the retirement process. Service Retirement Unit (SRU) Counselors at LACERS often utilize these sheets during counseling appointments with members, and based on months of usage, changes have been made to create a new, improved decision sheet. Click here to check it out.  

LACERS is committed to helping its members achieve the best retirement possible.

Sign Up for Retirement Benefits Seminar

Here are the upcoming programs to help with your planning.

Learn about your retirement options and benefits at an upcoming Planning for Retirement webinar, hosted by the LACERS Member Engagement team. Register via your MyLACERS account. Upcoming dates include:

Thurs., March 6 (webinar)
Tues., March 18 (webinar)
Sat., March 22 (in person at LACERS HQ)
Thurs., April 3 (in person at California Endowment)
Tues., April 15 (webinar, Tier 3)

Check the LACERS calendar as events are scheduled.
Webinars/events begin at 9 a.m.

 Applying for Retirement Online

Members are encouraged to submit their retirement application 60 days before their retirement date when using LACERS’ new Retirement Application Portal (RAP). The RAP is a great asset to LACERS Members that helps to streamline the retirement process. While the filing period is within 30 to 60 days of your retirement date, starting your application early and submitting it on the first day you can at the 60-day-prior mark, will allow for a couple of benefits. These include having ample time to discover any complications and address them without having to move your retirement date, as well as ensuring LACERS staff has time to meet your retirement date request.

For example, if your desired retirement date is June 14, 2025, you would have aimed to submit your retirement application in the portal on April 15, 2025. For more information, please visit