Larios in the City: April 2022

Robert Larios, Club President and CEO, honors Club Members with the coveted Club Retirement Plaque.

This month’s honorees are:

  • Tommy Quiroz
  • Richard Cardoza
  • Ricardo Siciliano
  • Carlos Villada
  • Bernard Rogers
  • Barbara Johnson
  • Alexander Rabrenovich

Tommy Quiroz

LADWP, Retired after 33 years of City service.

Richard Cardoza

LADWP, Retired after 35 years of City service.

Ricardo Siciliano

LADWP, Retired after 35 years of City service.

Carlos Villada

LADWP, Retired after 32 years of City service.

Bernard Rogers

LADWP, Retired after 42 years of City service.

Barbara Johnson

LADWP, Retired after 23 years of City service.

Alexander Rabrenovich

LACERS, Retired after 32 years of City service.