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In Memoriam
Our thoughts and condolences are with the family and friends of the following current and retired City employees who have passed away. The number after the name indicates years of service.
Active (name, dept., years of service)
Cardenas Diaz, Nestor Rec and Parks 3
Chanorathaikul, Thitiphong Public Works 7
Lawrence, Andrew Airports 32
Jones, Robert DWP 51
McGhee, Debra DWP 39
Pazasis, Frank LAPD 17
Sales, Cleofas Public Works 38
Triplett, Verlene LAPD 29
Retired (name, dept., years of service)
Acuna, Benjamin Transportation 10
Augustine, Wanda DWP 38
Bible, Toney DWP 34
Brand, Gary DWP 28
Carpio, Cosme DWP 20
Castro, Eddie Airports 12
Catero, Thomas DWP 32
Christensen, David Public Works 27
Chun, Walter DWP 31
Cullors, Alton N/D N/D
Currens, John N/D N/D
Davis, Icle N/D N/D
Deal, Glenn N/D N/D
Elliott, Donna DWP 19
Fabela, Lourdes N/D N/D
Ferree, Harriet DWP 23
Fong, Ben DWP 26
Foran, Freida Airports 9
Francen, Carl DWP 35
Gallegos, Eulogio N/D N/D
Garcia, Robert Public Works 35
Gilbert, Henry DWP 19
Granger, Glen Airports 14
Gutierrez, Miguel Rec and Parks 25
Harice, Irene Transportation 27
Harriott, Prince Albert Public Works 29
Headland, Joan N/D N/D
Heming, Douglas N/D N/D
Hunt, Stewart DWP 37
Jimenez, Luis N/D N/D
Ivers, Kenneth DWP 32
Jensen, Dorothy DWP 20
Kemp, Charlotte DWP 27
Kirkland, James DWP 41
Krowe, Samuel Personnel 38
Lind, William Public Works 14
Madrigal, Ana DWP 18
Mahaley, Fred N/D N/D
McCain, Patricia LAPD 22
McCue, Michael Rec and Parks 12
McNamee, Lonnie N/D N/D
Melton, Kenneth DWP 30
Minor, Melvin DWP 40
Molina, Valentine N/D N/D
Mullally, Don N/D N/D
Natsuhara, Frank N/D N/D
Nunes, Faaeseina City Attorney 32
Oliveri, Carmelo N/D N/D
Ott, Herbert DWP 30
Palmetier, Audrey N/D N/D
Pederson, Richard DWP 20
Quinn, Jean N/D N/D
Reynolds, Richard DWP 31
Richardson, Robert DWP 23
Rodriguez, Guillermina Library 10
Salas, Anita N/D N/D
Schartau, Martin Airports 32
Schlumpberger, BJ N/D N/D
Schwing, Sherrie N/D N/D
Shields, Thomas N/D N/D
Smith, Eddie N/D N/D
Smith, Gloria N/D N/D
Tanaka, Edward ITA 17
Taylor, Bradford Airports 28
Thompson, Willa N/D N/D
Villalobos, Felilsa LAPD 27
Wakeman, Richard DWP 21
Walton, Nancy N/D N/D
Ward, Lawrence Harbor 22
Williams, Dave Rec and Parks 15
Wong, Quock How Transportation 39
Yamane, Teruo DWP 34
Young, William DWP 27
Yu, Hong DWP 30
N/D = not disclosed