Retirees Update
By Tom Moutes, RLACEI Legislative Director
Email: Tom.Moutes@RLACEI.org
Why do I belong to the Retired Los Angeles City Employees, Inc. (RLACEI)? The answer is threefold: LACERS needs to have a watchdog, I enjoy the social events, and I enjoy the benefits of my automatic enrollment in the Employees Club.
Does LACERS Really Need a Watchdog?
Unfortunately, that answer is an emphatic “yes”! In my 20 years of working at and following LACERS, there has been at least one bad apple in a high-level staff position. Additionally, some of the LACERS Board Members have wanted to make decisions based on self-interest or political considerations – instead of what is in the best interests of active and Retired members. Lastly, the politicians frequently want to short the City’s annual contribution to LACERS and inappropriately try to tell LACERS how to invest its funds.
How Does RLACEI Serve as a Watchdog?
RLACEI Board Members review City Council and LACERS Board and committee agendas, listen to important parts of the meetings and make public comments, as appropriate. Recent examples include various ill-advised requests by the City for LACERS to divest assets from things the Council doesn’t like and an attempt to trim back health care coverage for active and Retired City employees.
RLACEI also encourages its members to provide public comments on these important issues. This is where you come in – there is strength in numbers! When the City Council or the LACERS Board receives 100-plus public comments on an issue, they take notice! While RLACEI can spot these important issues and notify members, we need you to take action to help protect your hard-earned benefits!
RLACEI is the only entity that consistently monitors and weighs in on retirement issues on your behalf!
RLACEI Social Events
Because we care about our members and want to keep everyone safe in these challenging times, we have been able to host only a picnic recently. We are hoping to be able to host a full slate of social events in 2022. These events – whether picnics, holiday parties, or golf tournaments – provide great opportunities to connect with former coworkers and other current Retirees.
What You Can You Do to Help?
If you are an RLACEI member, thank you! You are helping us protect your hard-earned pension benefits and helping to make our social events fun! However, there is one more thing you can do – “Refer a Friend”. We are holding a “Refer a Friend” promotion that could earn you a $25 gift card!
Adding new members will help us keep RLACEI strong into the future – helping us protect retirement benefits and put on fun social events.
If you are not currently an RLACEI member, I hope you will consider joining