Lifes Moments: Retirements March 2025

Below is a listing of those who Retired from the City. To all we say, welcome to the best years!

We honor the people who have spent their working lives building, managing and imagining a better LA, and are now Retired. We thank and appreciate all you have done!

Note: If you wish to have a listing deleted from our online posting of Retirement notices, please email us at, stating the name and department of the Retired person. The request must come from the actual Retired person. We derive our lists from official public records provided by the City and LADWP.


You can click on the arrows in the top row to sort by NAME, TITLE, DEPARTMENT or YEARS OF SERVICE. View 10, 25, 50 or 100 per page by clicking on Show Entries.

Anaya, Enrique G.Maintenance LaborerRec and Parks38
Azevedo, Teresa L.Police Service RepLAPD19
Bailey, Byron J.Crfs.LADWP
Baja, Arnel M.Gardener CaretakerRec and Parks19
Baker, Karl V.Crfs.LADWP
Banda, Luis A.Gardener CaretakerPublic Works30
Bankhead, Stephanie M.Customer ServiceLADWP
Barboza, RichardEquipment OperatorPublic Works26
Brady, William V.Bldg. Maint. Dist. Supv.Gen. Services22
Campbell, Fraser P.Power TransmissionLADWP
Cerulle, DominickPower TransmissionLADWP
Cervantes, AngelaSpecial Program Asst.Rec and Parks8
Deweber, William D.Power Executive OfficeLADWP
Dye, John S.InvestigatorCity Attorney5
Frank, Lawrence M.Parking AttendantConvention Ctr.9
Garcia, VictorSpecial Program Asst.Rec and Parks10
Husband, Walter C.Peace OfficerAirports33
Kerr, CliftonComm. Electr. Supv.ITA24
Lee, DavidBldg. Mech. InspectorBldg. & Safety22
Lee, Tai ChongLocksmithAirports12
Lehman, Troy H.JFB/FacilitiesLADWP
Lopez, Danilo Del RosariWastewater Treat. Mech.Public Works18
McCarthy, William J.Boat CaptainPublic Works10
Mendoza, ArmidaCustodianAirports7
Montgomerie, Paul N.Principal LibrarianLibrary34
Novida, Benjamin SilvaEnvironmental Spec.Public Works33
Oliver, Scott J.Water OperationsLADWP
Olivera, LorenzoGardener CaretakerRec and Parks11
Ortiz, MargaritaCustodianAirports21
Peshek, Barry L.Office Eng. Tech. IIBldg. & Safety36
Post, Steven G.Equipment MechanicGen. Services23
Purcell, John K.Maint. and Constr.Public Works25
Ramirez, SalvadorPower TransmissionLADWP
Ruiz, Juan J.Supply ChainLADWP
Saldin, Connie M.Energy SupportLADWP
Sanchez, Maria D.L.Sr. Administrative ClerkPlanning34
Sanford, Martin J.Energy DistributionLADWP
Smith, Shawn M.OfficerAirports24
Stillwell, Anthony M.Security OfficerLAPD20
Suarez, Ralph M.Sr. Mgmt. AnalystAirports35
Taber, Sean R.Cust. Services Bus. UnitLADWP
Treguboff, John H.Police Service Rep.LAPD20
Velasco, ZootArt Center DirectorCultural Affairs1
Venugopal, Thanninmuk D.Instrument MechanicPublic Works8
Ward, Daniel A.Water DistributionLADWP
Weller, Mark S.Supt. of OperationsAirports27
Westby, Paul A.LibrarianLibrary28
Wilcox, Robert G.Admin. Crd.City Attorney16
Williams, Edith M.Supply ChainLADWP