Lifes Moments: Retirements January 2025

Below is a listing of those who Retired from the City. To all we say, welcome to the best years!

We honor the people who have spent their working lives building, managing and imagining a better LA, and are now Retired. We thank and appreciate all you have done!

Note: If you wish to have a listing deleted from our online posting of Retirement notices, please email us at, stating the name and department of the Retired person. The request must come from the actual Retired person. We derive our lists from official public records provided by the City and LADWP.


You can click on the arrows in the top row to sort by NAME, TITLE, DEPARTMENT or YEARS OF SERVICE. View 10, 25, 50 or 100 per page by clicking on Show Entries.

Abou-Chakra, Bassam Reg./ComplianceLADWP
Allen, James S.Sanitary Engr. Ass.Public Works6
Anderson, Michele B.Dep. City AttorneyCity Attorney35
Arnold, Gregory L.Power SafetyLADWP
Asher, Grieg F.Council AideCouncil9
Ballardo, Maria E.Special Program Asst.Rec and Parks7
Bilal, Arnita E.Police Service RepLAPD27
Booker, Freddie L.Principal Project Coord.LAPD15
Broadnex- Irby, MildredAdministrative ClerkHousing24
Burnett, Donald E.Power TransmissionLADWP
Castillo, Robert A.Real Estate OfficerPublic Works17
Chaban, Cameron S.Sr. Building InspectorBldg. & Safety34
Chowdhury, Shawn S.Advance Practice Prov.Personnel12
Cunliffe-Owen, David J.Power TransmissionLADWP
Das, ManatoshOffice Engr. TechBldg. & Safety16
Davenport, Dale H.Fleet ServicesLADWP
De La Pena, Maria Rita AccountantFinance20
Delgado, Laura R.Recreation AssistantRec and Parks9
Epps, Wanda A.Sr. Mgmt. AnalystPublic Works31
Fontaine, Randy W.Power C&MLADWP
Fountain, Mary A.Maintenance LaborerAirports20
Gingold, Stephen A.Tax Compliance OfficerFinance27
Gonzales, Patricia A.Wastewater Coll. WorkerPublic Works20
Grover, Gloria E.Sr. LibrarianLibrary30
Hesselgrave, KentC&M SupervisorRec and Parks9
Hicks, Ron E.Management AnalystAirports26
Hill, Howard K.VeterinarianZoo5
Hilts, Douglas A.Energy SupportLADWP
Ho, Ping P.Airport GuideAirports2
Ikbal, Shobuz A.U.Civil EngineerPublic Works12
Johnson, Karen A.Police Service Rep.LAPD23
Kyin, LynnWater QualityLADWP
Lopez, OscarGardener CaretakerRec and Parks22
Manuel, Stephanie L.General ServicesLADWP
McCullough, Chance L.Security OfficerAirports21
Mendoza, Joseph A.C&M SupervisorRec and Parks25
Milo, Amife G.Sr. Mgmt. AnalystCity Clerk33
Minton, Andre E.Power New BusinessLADWP
Mitchell, Todd G.Sr. Systems AnalystPublic Works30
Myers, AnthonyMaintenance LaborerAirports17
Nesterenko, VladimirSecurity OfficerLAPD12
Perez, Lorry M.Sr. Mgmt. AnalystLAPD28
Perez, TeresaMaintenance LaborerAirports21
Pierce, Kenneth B.Refuse Coll. Truck Op.Public Works19
Piper, TheodoreCarpenter SupervisorPublic Works27
Powell, Michael S.PlumberPublic Works32
Price, Christophe A.Sr. Traffic SupervisorLADOT28
Prosor, David G.Water OperationsLADWP
Ramirez, EdelmiraCustomer ServiceLADWP
Roble, Faisal A.Principal City PlannerPlanning37
Rodelo, Gregory A.Witness Service Coord.City Attorney18
Rodriguez, Coleen C.Sr. Admin. ClerkLAPD19
Samaniego, Sherry D.Gardener CaretakerRec and Parks19
Sandoval, Maria RhodoraSr. AccountantAirports10
Shell, Mark D.Cement Finisher WorkerAirports29
Singhal, VijayPr. Deputy ControllerController’s Off.5
Snuffer, Daniel C.Wastewater Treat.Op.Public Works16
Thompson, Judith D.Dep. City AttorneyCity Attorney26
Torres, Steve P.Water OperationsLADWP
Valencia, GeorgeEquipment OperatorAirports9
Villasenor, AlfonsoSpecial Prog. AssistantRec and Parks4
Washington, Kevin L.Corporate ServicesLADWP
William, Paul L.Power TransmissionLADWP
Williams, Jeanne K.Sr. Admin. ClerkLAPD26
Wong, Victoria L.Administrative ClerkLibrary25