Lifes Moments: Retirements July 2024

Below is a listing of those who Retired from the City. To all we say, welcome to the best years!

We honor the people who have spent their working lives building, managing and imagining a better LA, and are now Retired. We thank and appreciate all you have done!

Note: If you wish to have a listing deleted from our online posting of Retirement notices, please email us at, stating the name and department of the Retired person. The request must come from the actual Retired person. We derive our lists from official public records provided by the City and LADWP.


You can click on the arrows in the top row to sort by NAME, TITLE, DEPARTMENT or YEARS OF SERVICE. View 10, 25, 50 or 100 per page by clicking on Show Entries.

Abad, Reynaldo E.Security OfficerAirports15
Abel, Gary M.Management AnalystAirports8
Aguilar, Vicente S.Env. LabLADWP
Allen, Nathaniel A.Stores SupervisorGen. Services33
Brown, Eric R.Council AideCouncil11
Caldwell, ReubenSr. City PlannerPlanning27
Casey, Antia L.Detention OfficerLAPD26
Chan, Chong M.Energy SupportLADWP
Christophe, Dwayne A.Info. Syst. Oper. Mgr.Harbor31
Davidson, Maria T.Customer ServiceLADWP
Dafeta, TimeyinHyperion Treat. Plant Mgr.Public Works35
Davila, ArturoITSLADWP
De Leon, Jose G.Security ServicesLADWP
Diaz, Arthur M.Supply ChainLADWP
Dibene, ArthurWastewater Coll. Supv.Public Works29
Dixson, Christophe L.Maintenance LaborerAirports26
Dowdy, Thomas M.Management AnalystPublic Works10
Duong, Tony K.Matl. Test Engin. Ass.Gen. Services34
Escobedo, Dean M.Tree Surgeon Supv.Public Works25
Fang, Edeliza T.Sr. Benefits AnalystLACERS31
Fleeman, Barbara C.LibrarianLibrary1
Gomez, JuanRefuse Coll. Truck Op.Public Works33
Gonzalez, Jorge A.Dep. City AttorneyCity Attorney27
Henning, Erin M.Supply ChainLADWP
Hernandez, KeithPower TransmissionLADWP
Ibarra, FrankMetering ServicesLADWP
Janga, Maria A.Env. Compliance Insp.Public Works36
Justice, Lacy C.OfficerAirport Police30
Koulax, Nick T.Air Cond. Mech. Sup.Gen. Services25
Lachica, Myrna P.Accounting ClerkCity Clerk36
Lara, Frank H.Asst. Dep. Sup. of Bldg.Bldg.& Safety24
Lee, Darryl D.Water DistributionLADWP
Lewis, Denise R.Administrative ClerkLibrary16
Manada, Belinda G.AccountantGen. Services20
Margheritis, Alex F.Airport Supt. of Op.Airports28
Mendoza, MartinTraffic OfficerLADOT25
McKinley, JosefinaWater ExecutiveLADWP
Mikane, Michael J.Sr. Building Insp.Bldg. & Safety16
Miles, Kelvin P.Signal Sys. ElectricianLADOT18
Misra, Brijesh C.Env. Compliance Insp.Public Works31
Montoya, MarthaWater QualityLADWP
Mora, Raul M.Sr. GardenerRec and Parks37
Morris, GlennCustomer ServiceLADWP
Ng, Philip K.Water QualityLADWP
Nguyen, Luna D.ITSLADWP
Ni, ShuhongLibrarianLibrary25
Ortiz, Rizalito Z.Port Electrical Mech.Harbor16
Owens, Jeffrey A.Power New BusinessLADWP
Parker, Phyllis A.City PlannerPlanning39
Patel, Geeta A.Engineering AssociatePublic Works15
Patel, Rameshbhai R.Sr. Environ. Compl. Insp.Public Works35
Peraza, Maria I.Sr. Commun. Op.Airports33
Perez, AntonioPower New BusinessLADWP
Perkins, Torrie E.Sr. Police Serv. RepLAPD34
Petch, VirojPower C&MLADWP
Rad, Allen K.Sr. Mgmt. AnalystAirports26
Reading, Terry M.Power TransmissionLADWP
Solis, Edgar C.Power SystemLADWP
Soto-Herrera, NancyInspector Gen. Exec.LADWP
Tatsumi, Byron H.Fleet ServicesLADWP
Taylor, Marva B.Workers Comp. AnalystPersonnel12
Tefank, Richard M.Exe. Dir., Police Comm.LAPD20
Todd, Bruce E.Pr. InspectorBldg. & Safety35
Tran, Jacqueline A.Comm. EngineerITA27
Vera, RicardoPower C&MLADWP
Villanueva, EnriqueSupply ChainLADWP
Walker, Robert S.Helicopter Mech.Gen. Services24
White, Calvin G.Pr. Grounds Maint. Sup.Rec & Parks35
Wolfe, James D.Sr. Systems AnalystLAFD35
Woodmore, Lodis L.Airports Mainit. Supv.Airports28
Yeung, James S.Internal AuditorFire/Police Pen.20