Retirements Listing: March 2023

Below is a listing of those who Retired from the City. To all we say, welcome to the best years!

We honor the people who have spent their working lives building, managing and imagining a better LA, and are now Retired. We thank and appreciate all you have done!

Note: If you wish to have a listing deleted from our online posting of Retirement notices, please email us at, stating the name and department of the Retired person. The request must come from the actual Retired person. We derive our lists from official public records provided by the City and LADWP.


You can click on the arrows in the top row to sort by NAME, TITLE, DEPARTMENT or YEARS OF SERVICE. View 10, 25, 50 or 100 per page by clicking on Show Entries.

Adamian, Serge V.Gen. ServicesLADWPN/D
Augustine, Vincent G.StorekeeperGen. Services35
Bass, GusWater DistributionLADWPN/D
Belisle, Charlene J.Power TransmissionLADWPN/D
Bell, Angela L.Sr. Security OfficerAirports15
Bishop, Allen W.Energy SupportLADWPN/D
Blevins, Bettye J.Sr. Admin. ClerkPublic Works43
Bonin, Michael JohnCouncilmanCouncil25
Brown, Jerry D.Energy SupportLADWPN/D
Carranceja, RamonetteRetirement PlanLADWPN/D
Castro, Fernando P.Capt., Airport PoliceAirports35
Cedillo, GilbertCouncilmanCouncil15
Chang, Allan A.Relief Corr. NursePersonnel1
Cisneros, Dora A.Admin. ClerkHousing16
Corrales, Bessy L.Exec. Admin. Asst.Housing33
Davis, CalvinPower TransmissionLADWPN/D
Dieguez Davila, CristobalCustodianAirports16
Dixson, Daniel D.OfficerAirport Police28
Durkee, Darryl L.Power O&MLADWPN/D
Dy Gadoury, DorisSr. Admin. ClerkBldg. & Safety15
Farrell, Mitchell D.CouncilmanCouncil18
Feuer, Michael N.City AttorneyCity Attorney21
Fusano, Michael C.Park Maint. Supv.Rec and Parks17
Garrabrant, Ronald S.Park Srvcs. Attend.Rec and Parks16
Gerstel, Suzon L.Customer ServiceLADWPN/D
Goldman, Cara L.Council AideCouncil14
Green, Gayle D.Security ServicesLADWPN/D
Gubatan, Gerald G.Council AideCouncil30
Haig, Brian D.Exec. AssistantAirports31
Hersch, David I.Council AideCouncil23
Huerta, Cesar H.Supply ChainLADWPN/D
Ito, Richard H.Envr. Chem LabLADWPN/D
Jackson, Kathy D.CustodianAirports21
Karau, KarenFacility DirectorRec and Parks5
Kharbertyan, GrigorAdmin. ClerkLibrary15
Kishita, KarenSt. Srvs. InvestigatorPublic Works35
Koretz, PaulCouncilmanCouncil28
Lam, Kiet ViSys. ProgrammerBldg. & Safety31
Lee, Poh ChooAdmin. ClerkLibrary20
Lopez, Jose C.Sr. GardenerRec and Parks34
Lyle, Joel MichaelCouncil AideCouncil7
Mach-Leung, Lina PhuongComm. EngineerAirports30
Marden, Carol A.Admin. ClerkBldg. & Safety42
Minetta, Victoria A.Human Relat. AdvocateEcon./Wrkfrc. Dev.28
Moore, James E.Solid Res. Mgr.Public Works33
Morris, Wilma J.Crossing GuardTransportation7
Parra, RobertRefuse Coll. Truck Op.Public Works22
Patterson, Peter M.Security ServicesLADWPN/D
Payton, Carol A.Emerg. Med. Srvs. Ed.LAFD15
Phillips, Carl L.Heavy Duty Truck Op.Airports16
Ponce De Leon, SophiaPolice Service RepLAPD36
Porter, Pamela T.Employee ServicesLADWPN/D
Price, Nancy A.Environmental Spec.Airports28
Reyes, Tomas T.Special Prog. Asst.Rec and Parks9
Reza, Javier F.Refuse Coll. Truck Op.Public Works33
Rogasch, Helmut A.Security ServicesLADWPN/D
Segura, Luis F.Background Investig.LAPD10
Stielow, David R.Retirement PlanLADWPN/D
Tatum, Walter D.Security OfficerAirports22
Ter Ghevondian, VartanParalegalCity Attorney23
Torrence, Garry A.Refuse Coll. Truck Op.Public Works21
Waters Jr., DennisWater DistributionLADWPN/D