Here’s a listing of all those who retired from the City this month.
To all we say, welcome to the Best Years!
You can click on the arrows in the top row to sort by NAME, TITLE, DEPARTMENT or YEARS OF SERVICE. View 10, 25, 50 or 100 per page by clicking on Show Entries.
Abrahamson, Derek J. | Power Supply | DWP | N/D |
Acosta, Abel | Carpenter | Rec & Parks | 26 |
Adajar, Grace C. | Retirement Plan | DWP | N/D |
Aguet, Francis | Equip. Mechanic | LAPD | 37 |
Albino, Lindsey D. | Painter Supv. | Rec & Parks | 32 |
Alpern, Russell | Motor Sweeper Op. | Public Works | 35 |
Alvarado, George | Sr. Roofer | Rec & Parks | 29 |
Ancheta, Glecy T. | ITS | DWP | N/D |
Anderson, Mia Yvette | Payroll Supv. | Public Works | 31 |
Anderson, Sheryl D. | Water Distribution | DWP | N/D |
Andrews, Ida L. | Legal Secretary | City Attorney | 23 |
Arceo, Benefrido S. | Accountant | Public Works | 26 |
Arensdorff, Elsa | Legal Secretary | City Attorney | 31 |
Autrey Jr., Benjamin L. | Water Distribution | DWP | N/D |
Avila, Michael | Water Distribution | DWP | N/D |
Bato, Emmanuel Junio | Sr. Admin. Clerk | LAPD | 34 |
Bell, Dwayne W. | Power Trans. | DWP | N/D |
Berkley, Cherrie L. | JFB Facilities | DWP | N/D |
Bonilla, Edward J. | Facility Director | Rec & Parks | 27 |
Boswell, Troy Curtis | Sr. Animal Cntrl Off. | Animal Services | 33 |
Bowers, Barbara Ann | Sr. Traffic Supv. | Transportation | 34 |
Bowie, Toni Gayle | Sr. Traffic Supv. | Transporatation | 32 |
Brooks, Delvin Maurice | Pr. Property Officer | LAPD | 32 |
Brown, Earl Keith | Traffic Mark/Sign Supt. | Transportation | 36 |
Brown, Gary Aaron | Equip. Mechanic | LAPD | 30 |
Broyard Sr., Kirk M. | Water Distribution | DWP | N/D |
Bui, Graciela P. | Customer Service | DWP | N/D |
Burke, Rogelio B. | Motor Sweeper Op. | Public Works | 32 |
Burks, James V. | Art Center Director | Cultural Affairs | 35 |
Calda, Rosemarie G. | Pr. Fingerprint ID Expert | LAPD | 36 |
Campbell, John Owen | Electrician | Rec & Parks | 15 |
Campbell, Joy La Cheryl | Sr. Admin. Clerk | LAPD | 15 |
Campos, Jose | Equip. Mechanic | LAPD | 21 |
Capone, Louise M. | Sr. Recreation Dir. | Rec & Parks | 35 |
Carabantes, Jose M. | Civil Eng. Associate | Public Works | 30 |
Caruso, Deborah E. | Assistant GM | Personnel | 32 |
Casillas, Damaso | Motor Sweeper Op. | Public Works | 24 |
Cayot, Frederick I. | Water Distribution | DWP | N/D |
Cendana, Victor | Mgmt. Analyst | Housing | 32 |
Chavez, Edward C. | Equipment Operator | Rec & Parks | 31 |
Chavez, Hector E. | Air Cond. Mechanic | Gen. Services | 33 |
Chenore, Carolyn E. | Customer Service | DWP | N/D |
Choe, Brian Y. | Comm. Electrician | ITA | 21 |
Chu, Winston W. | Field Engr. Aide | Public Works | 22 |
Cisneros, Gary W. | Equip. Mechanic | LAFD | 22 |
Clark, Richard | Const. Inspector | Public Works | 13 |
Collins, Angela Marie | Payroll Supv. | Public Works | 32 |
Congdon, Edward A. | Power Planning | DWP | N/D |
Cook, Anthony J. | Astronomical Observer | Rec & Parks | 34 |
Corella, Rodrigo | Sr. Accountant | Public Works | 15 |
Cornelius, Jacqueline | Exec. Admin. Asst. | Cultural Affairs | 32 |
Corralejo, Anthony R. | Cement Finisher Supv. | Gen. Services | 28 |
Da Silva, Robin Denise | Sr. Traffic Supv. | Transportation | 35 |
Daughtry, David. W. | Power Supply | DWP | N/D |
Davis, Iris Louise | Comm. Exec. Asst. | Rec & Parks | 20 |
Dawkins, Maurice K. | Mgmt. Analyst | LAFD | 40 |
Dela Cruz, Wilma E. | Personnel Analyst | LAPD | 34 |
Dixon, Benita C. | Sr. Recreation Dir. | Rec & Parks | 35 |
Dixon, Don M. | Graphics Designer | Rec & Parks | 29 |
Dixon, Steven Anthony | Sr. Traffic Supv. | Transportation | 32 |
Dranow, James A. | Equip. Mechanic | Gen. Services | 32 |
Drum, Myron David | Auto Body Bldr/Repairer | LAPD | 19 |
Dubriel, Mary J. | Customer Service | DWP | N/D |
Dumpit, David A. | Sr. Civil Engr. Draft Tech | Public Works | 32 |
Duong Pee, Mee Tin | Sr. Admin. Clerk | LAPD | 36 |
Durazo, Guadalupe | Hearing Reporter | Personnel | 21 |
Duroy, Rose Oliva | Accountant | Planning | 20 |
Escobedo, Linda | Pr. Clerk | City Attorney | 30 |
Feller, John S. | Auto Body Bldr/Repairer | LAPD | 23 |
Files, James Patrick | Equip. Repair Supv. | Gen. Services | 30 |
Fisher, Derrick S. | Power Constr./Maint. | DWP | N/D |
Flint, Sonya P. | Exec. Admin. Asst. | Gen. Services | 38 |
Flores, Cain | Equip. Specialist | Gen. Services | 31 |
Fontana, Larry A. | Sign Painter | Transportation | 21 |
Fuentes, Fernando H. | Automotive Super. | Gen.Services | 31 |
Gaffney, Michael D. | Equipment Operator | Rec & Parks | 31 |
Garcia, Aixa Lorena | Mgmt. Analyst | LAPD | 30 |
Garcia, Raul | St. Services Supt. | Public Works | 36 |
Garcia, Soledad | Pr. Clerk | Public Works | 31 |
Garcia, Sophia E. | Legal Secretary | City Attorney | 31 |
Gaston, Gary W. | Motor Sweeper Op. | Public Works | 30 |
Gavidia, Wilfredo R. | Sr. Park Maint. Supv. | Zoo | 34 |
Gendjian, Hovhannes | Power C&M | DWP | N/D |
Gharib, Jeannie Grace | Exec. Admin. Asst. | LAPD | 15 |
Gharibians, George T. | Sr. Civil Engr. Draft Tech | Public Works | 33 |
Gibbs, Mark Emory | Equip. Mechanic | LAPD | 34 |
Gonzalez, Jose A. | Power Trans. | DWP | N/D |
Gonzalez, Victor M. | Heavy Duty Equip. Mech. | Gen. Services | 21 |
Gray, Charmaine L. | Exec. Legal Sec. | Public Acctblty | 34 |
Gray, Don R. | Equip. Mechanic | LAPD | 15 |
Gray, Louis T. | Sr. Traffic Supv. | Transportation | 32 |
Grayson, Sonya Fay | Crime & Intel. Analyst | LAPD | 34 |
Green, Debra Levern | Mgmt. Analyst | LAPD | 30 |
Grier, James R. | Power C&M | DWP | N/D |
Guerrero, Alonso M. | Heavy Duty Equip. Mech. | Gen. Services | 27 |
Guzman, Sergio | Sr. Park Maint. Supv. | Rec & Parks | 37 |
Haas, Erich M. | Sr. Recreation Dir. | Rec & Parks | 20 |
Hansen, Rolland M. | Power Trans. | DWP | N/D |
Harrington, Sean | Painter | Zoo | 30 |
Harris, Evan D. | Power Safety | DWP | N/D |
Hauser, John | Machinist | Rec & Parks | 32 |
Hayton, Timothy Scott | Equip. Mechanic | LAPD | 22 |
Hector, Sean D. | Pr. Security Officer | LAPD | 30 |
Hegedus, Janie | Commun. Elect. | ITA | 22 |
Hernandez, Elizabeth | Sr. Admin. Clerk | LAPD | 41 |
Hernandez, Enrique | Mech. Repairer | Zoo | 34 |
Hilario, Elmer A. | Power Supply | DWP | N/D |
Holcolm, Wallace | Ch. Security Officer | LAPD | 22 |
Holzschuh, Mark D. | Water Operations | DWP | N/D |
Hsu, Chiun-Gwo S. | Water Resources | DWP | N/D |
Hudson, Danny | Background Inv. | Personnel | 18 |
Hughes, Jimmy C. | Equip.Mechanic | Gen. Services | 33 |
Hunter, Kimberly Jade | Investigator | City Attorney | 18 |
Hurd, Bertha Ann | Nutritionist | Aging | 33 |
Iglesias, Alejandro | Automotive Super. | LAPD | 30 |
Ignacio, Mario C. | Finance | DWP | N/D |
Ito, Laura Aiko | Assistant GM | ITA | 31 |
Jackson, Ronnie Lee | Sr. Str. Srvcs. Invest. | Public Works | 31 |
James, Pearlene | Sr. Traffic Supv. | Transportation | 48 |
Jauregui, Victor | Sr. Recreation Dir. | Rec & Parks | 36 |
Jenkins, Charles D. | Signal System Elec. | Transporation | 35 |
Jenkins, Mark Edward | Cabinet Maker | LAPD | 20 |
Johnson, Edward | Council Aide | Council | 15 |
Jones-Hoard, Jacquelyn | Risk & Ins. Asst. | CAO | 38 |
Jones, Alfred L. | Signal Sys. Electr. | Transportation | 33 |
Jones, Carl W. | Sr. Traffic Supv. | Transportation | 42 |
Jones, Cortez Anthony | Sr. Traffic Supv. | Transportation | 32 |
Kaiser, Max E. | Equipment Op. | Public Works | 32 |
Kennedy, Mark A. | Water Distribution | DWP | N/D |
Kim, Jaewha Rosemary | Cust. Serv. Spec. | Finance | 30 |
Koretz, Gail | Mayoral Aide | Mayor’s Office | 17 |
Lapp, Robert | Painter | Rec & Parks | 20 |
Laube, Fred K. | Motor Sweeper Op. | Public Works | 33 |
Lawler, John | Auto Body Rep. Supv. | LAFD | 29 |
Lay, Ben | Equip. Mechanic | Gen. Services | 25 |
Lee, Gregory J. | Asst St. Lighting Elec. | Public Works | 28 |
Lee, Helen Kyung | Comm. Prog. Asst | Aging | 18 |
Lee, Lily Jacqueline | Risk & Ins. Asst | CAO | 36 |
Lee, Paul On Kwok | Matl. Test. Tech. | Gen. Services | 36 |
Leonard, Deborah A. | Power Executive Off. | DWP | N/D |
Libby, John Neil | Pr. Clerk | LAPD | 31 |
Lim, Frank Winthrop | Pers. Records Supv. | Personnel | 33 |
Liu, Zizhan | Engineering Designer | Public Works | 17 |
Loftin, Dale Allen | Signal System Elec. | Transportation | 32 |
Logan, Janette Ann | Pr. Clerk | LAPD | 39 |
Lomeli, Armida O. | Exec. Admin. Asst. | LAPD | 36 |
Lopez, Guillermo | Sr. Painter | Rec & Parks | 30 |
Lopez, Jose A. | Sr. Rec. Director | Rec & Parks | 36 |
Love Shallowhorn, Gail | Hearing Officer | City Attorney | 31 |
Lum, Donald J. | Signal System Elec. | Transportation | 24 |
Luna, Maria Trinidad | Pr. Clerk | LAPD | 24 |
Lyman, Michelle M. | Dep. City Attorney | City Attorney | 32 |
Macias, Joe Michael | Signal System Elec. | Transportation | 34 |
Mahaley, Theodore | Carpenter | Public Works | 34 |
Martinez, Domingo L. | Air Cond. Mechanic | Rec & Parks | 34 |
Martinez, James | Signal System Elec. | Transportation | 26 |
Maul, James Steven | Signal System Elect. | Transportation | 35 |
Maxcy, Michael James | Zoo Curator | Zoo | 32 |
McGee, Sylvia | Pr. Clerk | LAPD | 32 |
McGovern, C.G. | Motor Sweeper Op. | Public Works | 30 |
Mercado, Steven | Automotive Super. | LAPD | 12 |
Miguel, Edison V. | Power Supply | DWP | N/D |
Miller, Maryd | Sr. Project Asst. | Econ./Wrkfrc Dev. | 17 |
Miller, Roderick M. | Municipal Officer | LAPD | 5 |
Morley, Richard | Sr. Traffic Supv. | Transportation | 27 |
Motoyama, Tadashi | Photographer | Zoo | 22 |
Nagel, John B. | Power Trans. | DWP | N/D |
Natividad, Christine | Sr. Witness Ser. Coord. | City Attorney | 30 |
Nguyen, Cuc K. | Eng. Designer | Public Works | 33 |
Nicholson, Jimmie | Motor Sweeper Op. | Public Works | 35 |
Okazaki, Gail A. | Sr. Rec. Director | Rec & Parks | 35 |
Okray, John W. | Heavy Duty Equip. Mech. | Gen. Services | 23 |
Olaguez, Magdalena | Exec. Legal Secretary | City Attorney | 25 |
Onate, Isabel | Project Coordinator | City Clerk | 36 |
Orona, Yung Hae Kim | Hearing Officer | City Attorney | 30 |
Osorio, Wilfredo C. | Mech. Repairer | Rec & Parks | 14 |
Otis, Michael M. | Metering Services | DWP | N/D |
Pankratz, David A. | Equip. Mechanic | Gen. Services | 31 |
Panov, Cornel Mihai | Photographer | LAPD | 20 |
Papa, Usha | Mgmt. Analyst | Personnel | 15 |
Pedroza, Aida E. | Mgmt. Analyst | LAPD | 34 |
Pennyjelly, Dianna | Exec. Admin. Asst. | ITA | 40 |
Perez, Sylvia E. | Sr. Storekeeper | Gen. Services | 20 |
Pineda, Jorge L. | Water Operations | DWP | N/D |
Pittman, Mark K. | Heavy Duty Equip. Mech. | LAFD | 26 |
Poly, Karen Lynn | Registrar | Zoo | 34 |
Primera, Javier F. | Env. Chem Lab | DWP | N/D |
Quesada, Elizabeth | Sr. Traffic Supv. | Transportation | 34 |
Rader, Dennis | Field Engr. Aide | City Clerk | 34 |
Radovcic, Antonette | Facility Dir. | Rec & Parks | 21 |
Reed, Terrie Lynn | Pr. Clerk | Public Works | 33 |
Reyes, Jolene K. | Comm. Exec. Asst. | Personnel | 41 |
Rezamand, Mohammad | Power C&M | DWP | N/D |
Rideaux, Desiree M. | Sr. Park Ranger | Rec & Parks | 17 |
Rivera, Daniel C. | Auto Body Bldr/Repairer | Gen. Services | 27 |
Roberts, Staci A. | Pr. Clerk | City Clerk | 31 |
Rodriguez, Marco | Equip. Mechanic | LAPD | 22 |
Roman, Angie | Exec. Admin. Asst. | LAPD | 45 |
Roth, Howard E. | Material Test Tech. | Gen. Services | 30 |
Rozier, Cornelia Ann | Sr. Traffic Supv. | Transportation | 42 |
Ruiz, Aureliano M. | Motor Sweeper Op. | Public Works | 36 |
Salinas, Emilio C. | Auto Painter | LAPD | 29 |
Samaniego, Francisca | Customer Service | DWP | N/D |
Samuel, Beverly Ann | Sr. Traffic Supv. | Transportation | 31 |
Sanchez, Adrian | Sr. Accountant | Public Works | 15 |
Sanchez, Rudy | Motor Sweeper Op. | Public Works | 22 |
Sarabia, Gonzalo | Pre-Press Operator | Gen. Services | 33 |
Seielstad, Michael G. | Fleet Services | DWP | N/D |
Schellinger, Robert | Asst. St. Lighting Elec. | Public Works | 27 |
Schreck, Walter | Real Estate Assoc. | El Pueblo Mon. | 12 |
Schultz, Kenneth D. | Comm. Elec. | ITA | 23 |
Scott, David Earl | Signal System Elec. | Transportation | 33 |
Siebrandt, Penny A. | Golf Starter Supv. | Rec & Parks | 31 |
Simpson, James Earl | Auto Body Bldr/Repairer | LAPD | 33 |
Small-Carroll, Donna | Pr. Clerk | LAPD | 34 |
Smith, Edison Linsford | Comm. Electrician | ITA | 20 |
Smith, Yolanda P. | Sr. Property Officer | LAPD | 31 |
Solorzano, Rafael | Civil Engr. Assoc. | Public Works | 31 |
Sorrell, Leland R. | Electrician | Gen. Services | 27 |
Sparks, Fawnda G. | Sr. Traffic Supv. | Transportation | 45 |
Stansell, Denise Marie | Sr. Recreation Dir. | Rec & Parks | 33 |
Stinson, Grace Marie | Pr. Clerk | City Attorney | 35 |
Stoicof, Petre Aurel | Equipment Mech. | LAPD | 35 |
Stringer, Alfred L. | Motor Sweeper Op. | Public Works | 21 |
Taylor, James L. | Equipment Mech. | LAFD | 22 |
Tejada, Jose Roberto | Heavy Duty Equip. Mech. | Gen. Services | 30 |
Tharp, Charles O. | Automotive Supv. | LAPD | 24 |
Tidwell, Birthella | Crime & Intel Analyst | LAPD | 31 |
Tidwell, Don L. | Signal System Elec. | Transportation | 33 |
Tilley, Scott Brian | Automotive Supv. | LAPD | 20 |
Torres, Salvador R. | Equipment Operator | Public Works | 39 |
Toth, Joseph Alexander | Sr. Hvy Duty Equip. Mech. | LAFD | 34 |
Tranchau, Jeannie | Legal Assistant | City Attorney | 34 |
Trevino, Elizabeth Ann | Sr. Admin. Clerk | Personnel | 15 |
Triana, Daniel | Heavy Duty Equip. Mech. | LAFD | 26 |
Trombley, David. F. | JFB Facilities | DWP | N/D |
Truong, Dieu C. | Equipment Mech. | LAPD | 32 |
Tsang, Simon T. | Power C&M | DWP | N/D |
Tso, Emelia Yeeman | Accountant | Housing | 20 |
Turnipseed, Pamela R. | Fingerprint ID Exp. | LAPD | 35 |
Tutungi, Alfred M. | Sr. Rec. Director | Rec & Parks | 31 |
Ulbrich, Joanne | Park Services Supv. | Rec & Parks | 27 |
Urioste, Richard L. | Equipment Mechanic | Gen. Services | 36 |
Varela Gaines, Ellen C. | Sr. Rec. Director | Rec & Parks | 32 |
Varnado, Garry A. | Power Trans. | DWP | N/D |
Vasquez, Anthony R. | Plumber | Gen. Services | 36 |
Vaughn, Stuart R. | Art Center Director | Cultural Affairs | 21 |
Vayner, Leonid | Mat. Test Eng. Assoc. | Gen. Services | 30 |
Verduzco, Ruben M. | Elevator Repair Supv. | Gen. Services | 31 |
Wade, Velma J. | Sr. Traffic Supv. | Transportation | 33 |
Walker, Kathy Jeanette | Pers. Records Supv. | Personnel | 39 |
Walton Joseph, Carolyn | Admin. Hearing Off. | Transportation | 33 |
Ward, Neal Patrick | Graphics Designer | Zoo | 34 |
Wasp, Roxanne V. | Legal Secretary | City Attorney | 30 |
Watson, Gerard | Water Operations | DWP | N/D |
Weissman, Paula S. | Pr. Clerk | LAPD | 33 |
Weitzel, Donald E. | Heavy Duty Equip. Mech. | LAFD | 35 |
Williams, Tracy | City Planning Assoc. | Planning | 35 |
Wilson, Terry G. | Background Invest. | Personnel Dept. | 11 |
Wong Oyama, Betty | Analyst | NBHD Empwmt. | 20 |
Wong, Gary N. | Heavy Duty Equip. Mech. | Gen. Services | 39 |
Wright, Stanley | Motor Sweeper Op. | Public Works | 28 |
Wu, Bill Sung Sheng | Material Test. Tech. | Gen. Services | 20 |
Yang, Mei Chi Lin | Sr. Admin. Clerk | LAPD | 34 |
Ybarra, David R. | Power Trans. | DWP | N/D |
Young, Clarence | Motor Sweeper Op. | Public Works | 30 |
Young, Thomas | Comm. Elec. | ITA | 32 |