Here’s a listing of all those who retired from the City this month.

To all we say, welcome to the Best Years!


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Aguilar, RomeoSecurity OfficerAirports17
Ahmanson, Jonathan D.Sr. Mgmt. Anyst.Airports33
Allton, Greg D.Bldg. Mech. Insp.Bldg. & Safety24
Almendra, PioWastewater Coll. Wrk.Public Works32
Anguiano, PedroMetering Srvc.DWPN/D
Aquino, Ulysses S.Power SupplyDWPN/D
Arias, Francisco R.Custodian Sup.Airports28
Arias, Jesus M.Gardener CaretakerAirports34
Arther, Kim A.Ch. Insp.Bldg. & Safety31
Artolachipe, AlejandroElectricianAirports17
Atkins, EltonRefuse Coll. Sup.Public Works38
Austin Johnson, BeverlyPolice Service RepLAPD29
Azmi, Kimberly A.Procurement Anyst.Harbor15
Baker, Tanya MichelleAccounting ClerkAirports39
Barbee, Vanessa M.Workers Comp Anyst.Airports
Barrica, Rachel S.Pr. AccountingAirports28
Bassett, Daniel A.Supt. of OperationsAirports33
Batson, Janice M.Mgmt. Anyst.Airports20
Berber Marin, DeborahAdmin. ClerkLibrary17
Bezabeh, TadesseSr. Airport EngineerAirports32
Bibbins, Terry R.Sr. Security OfficerAirports20
Brewer, Thomas D.Refuse Coll. Truck Op.Public Works14
Burlingham, Robert C.Planning AssociateAirports27
Burns, PaulInfo Systems Mgr.Airports29
Burrell, Reginald J.Plumber Sup.Airports45
Butler, Linda R.Sr. Admin. ClerkAirports17
Caampued, NorlandBus Op.Airports28
Castro, Rosa M.CustodianAirports22
Cheatham, LoathaSr. Admin. ClerkAirports30
Chen, David V.Telecom Plan/Util. Off.Airports31
Cheung, Nancy M.Airport GuideAirports17
Chillous, Robert S.Bus Op.Airports26
Chiu, Kenny Y.Sr. AccountantAirports35
Chiu, Pai YuPr. AccountantAirports16
Chwa, David K.Water OperationsDWPN/D
Clarke, Sharon E.Sr. Admin. ClerkAirports37
Clegg, ClarenceStreet Srvc. Inv.Public Works25
Cohen, Michelle V.SecretaryAirports35
Coleman, Barry L.Air Conditioning Mech.Airports30
Concepcion, Collin V.Gardener CaretakerAirports25
Cortez, Hector C.PainterAirports22
Costa, Samuel B.Construction Insp.Airports30
Cruz, Virgilio L.Sr. Construction Insp.Airports30
Cummings, William A.Motor Sweeper Airports30
De Allen, Monica D.Customer ServiceDWPN/D
De Guzman, Raymond T.Mech. Engin. Assoc.Airports31
De La Garza, Rafael L.Facilities Mgmt.DWPN/D
Digirolamo, Erasmo A.Water DistributionDWPN/D
Dold, RandalITSDWPN/D
Domingo, Lynnie A.Mgmt. Anyst.Airports30
Dominguez, RobertoPower SupplyDWPN/D
Edwards, Tracie MarieSr. Mgmt. Anyst.Airports35
Eidenbock, Teresa C.Graphics DesignerTransportation15
Eiley, Marie ThereseSecurity OfficerAirports25
Espino, Martha P.AccountingDWPN/D
Fletcher, AraineCustodianAirports19
Giang, SteveEquipment MechanicAirports29
Goffney, AnnetteCustodian Sup.Airports32
Gomez, AdrianBldg. Operating Eng.Airports32
Goodman, Edward A.Pr. Security OfficerAirports31
Goodman, Philip K.Telecom PlannerAirports32
Gove, Peter V.ITSDWPN/D
Green, DavidIrrigation SpecialistAirports26
Green, Jerry R.Gardener CaretakerAirports29
Greene, Rotundra MitchellMgmt. Anyst.Airports35
Greenleaf, Richard D.PainterAirports30
Guevara, Dionisio J.Architectural Assoc.Airports34
Gutierrez, Maria E.Maintenance LaborerAirports19
Hamilton II, Richard Env. Chem. LabDWPN/D
Handson, ImeldaCustodian Sup.Airports31
Harrell, Philip T.Bus Op.Airports30
Hashim, Fatima A.Civil Engin. Assoc.Airports32
Hayes, Rickey R.Mgmt. Anyst.Airports22
Haynes, Tyrone V.Security OfficerAirports20
Hemsley, Cynthia L.Procurement Anyst.Airports32
Henderson, KennethRefuse Coll. Truck Op.Public Works31
Henderson, Michael V.Architectural Assoc.Airports40
Henriquez, JuanCustodianAirports22
Hernandez, Jess C.Warehouse & T/R Wrk.Airports19
Hines, MarkPipefitterAirports28
Hoekstra, ErikaAirport GuideAirports7
Hughes, Marinetta S.CommissionDWPN/D
Hughey, John B.Sr. Construction Insp.Airports30
Ibarra, Mario CordovaCustodian Sup.Airports42
Igwebuike, OnyejiuwaRisk Mgr.Airports34
Imori, Diane M.Graphics Sup.Airports28
Ioka, Susan H.Human ResourcesDWPN/D
Jensen, Rex M.Wastewater Treat. Mech.Public Works14
Kan, Connie DiepSr. Comm. EngineerAirports31
Karbus, Joseph E.Mgmt. Anyst.Airports18
Kawahara, CatherineAdmin. ClerkLibrary19
Kehoe, Raymond E.Bldg. Mech. Insp.Bldg. & Safety22
Ketay, Rhonda LeeCommission Exec. Asst.Fire & Police Pens.20
Kidd, CarlyleSuper. of Of. Oper.Airports36
Kingsley, Glenn B.Wastewater Treat. Op.Public Works31
Kion, Michael EdwardSr. Electrical Insp.Bldg. & Safety35
Kjeller, Vanessa L.Exec. Admin. Asst.Airports37
Koo, John C.Sr. Structural Eng.Public Works29
Leonard, Jack B.Power New BusinessDWPN/D
Levesque, James L.ITSDWPN/D
Lewis, Stephen G.Metering Srvc.DWPN/D
Littleton, James H.Pr. Construction Insp.Airports31
Liwag, Peter M.Power C&MDWPN/D
Lofton, Edward L.Maintenance LaborerAirports23
Mancini, Henry V.Street Srvc. WorkerPublic Works22
Martin, Dorsey L.Admin. ClerkAirports30
Martinez, Gary PaulEquipment MechanicLAPD27
Martinez, Jesse R.Heavy Duty Equip. Mech.Airports35
McCoy Snearl, D AnnAsst. Airport Mgr.Airports38
Mcleod, Douglas F.Equip. MechanicAirports20
Mcmahon, JacquelynMgmt. Anyst.Airports34
Morgan, Michael L.Maintenance Sup.Airports33
Murray, Frank A.Sr. Systems Anyst.Airports33
N’Namdi, JabulaniPower TransmissionDWPN/D
Ortiz, CharlotteSpecial Prog. Asst.Rec and Parks8
Otoshi, John T.Water EngineeringDWPN/D
Pandya, Jignasha R.Civil Engineer Assoc.,Airports31
Paulet, Leonidas LuisConstruction Insp.Airports30
Payne, Lamar O.Facilities Mgmt.DWPN/D
Peck, Alan A.Procurement Anyst.Airports24
Pro, David Y.Maintenance LaborerAirports31
Reiner, LeeFleet Srvc.DWPN/D
Reyes, Jose J.PlumberAirports32
Richardson, AngieCustodianAirports20
Richardson, ArtTransitional WorkerPublic Works33
Rolon, Lawrence JayMgmt. Anyst.Airports41
Romero, Aurelia T.Accounting ClerkAirports31
Sabosky, Theresa D.Mgmt. Anyst.Airports21
Sampson, Cheryl A.Procurement Sup.Airports30
Sanchez, Eliseo FloresElectricianAirports23
Sandoval, FedericoSign PainterAirports33
Saunders, Theresa L.Bus Op. Sup.Airports18
Setiabudi, IngewatiInvestment OfficerLACERS10
Smith, Anthony B.Refuse Coll. Truck Op.Public Works31
Smith, TheodoreDep. City AttorneyCity Attorney12
Solis Jr., Paul AbrilStorekeeperAirports35
Spencer, LeviHeavy Duty Truck Op.Airports29
Stanton, PaulettePolice Service RepLAPD32
Stewart, Jared C.Systems ProgrammerAirports43
Tabora, Sandra J.Recreation AssistantRec and Parks16
Thomas, Wesley L.ElectricianAirports35
Thompson, Van C.Ch. Airports EngineerAirports31
Tipton, Dana AnnSr. Admin. ClerkAirports39
Torralba, Rafael P.Engineering DesignerAirports31
Tran, Paula D.Systems Anyst.Airports33
Ung, Cynthia AnnInfo. Systems Mgr.Harbor35
Van Zant, Norman S.ITSDWPN/D
Vasquez, Jim RobertPlumberAirports35
Wang, YeongchungEngineerAirports31
Welch, RandolphSecurity OfficerLAPD1
Wilson, KeithPlumberPublic Works11
Wise, Michael D.Plumber Sup.Public Works36
Wong, MayEnvironmental Spec.Airports33
Wong, Tony J.Sr. Mgmt. Anyst.Airports19
Wright, Ellen J.Ch. of Aviation TechAirports17
Yamamoto, Gary S.Survey Party ChiefAirports37
Zi, Nai Chi R.Airport GuideAirports12