Here’s a listing of all those who retired from the City this month.

To all we say, welcome to the Best Years!


You can click on the arrows in the top row to sort by NAME, TITLE, DEPARTMENT or YEARS OF SERVICE. View 10, 25, 50 or 100 per page by clicking on Show Entries.

Abenoja, Aristotle R.Metering ServicesDWPN/D
Adams, KennethWater OperationsDWPN/D
Alvarado, Rosa M.CustodianAirports16
Argueta, William R.St. Lghtng. ElectricianPW25
Baldwin, Jeffrey L.Air. Condtng. Mech.Airports36
Banos, EmilioSr. Systems AnalystEcon./Wrkfc. Dev.30
Barajas, Felicitas RamosCrossing GuardDOT8
Bautista, Teresita A.Internal AuditorHousing34
Bergstrom, Sylvia KrallDirector of SystemsITA32
Blake, RichardPainterHarbor34
Blorfroshan, Mohammad H.Sr. Trsprtn. Engr.DOT32
Boldman, Alan C.Management AnalystPW17
Bondio, JohnPower SafetyDWPN/D
Bowen, Reyna A.Spec. Programming Asst.Rec and Parks7
Boyd, RichardPower SafetyDWPN/D
Boyd, Thomas A.Airport GuideAirports8
Brewer, Dorothy J.Crossing GuardDOT18
Bruce, RobertWater DistributionDWPN/D
Caprio, Nita J.Management AnalystAirports28
Castro, ApolinarGardener CaretakerZoo27
Chai, Ngu LyanLaboratory TechPW29
Chamanara, ShahlaSr. LibrarianLibrary33
Childress, Audrey C.Tax Compliance OfficerFinance20
Corral, EdwardSr. Detention OfficerLAPD29
Costa, Jeffrey D.St. Services SupervisorPW33
Crane, MichaelWastewater Coll. Spvsr.PW28
Crisan, Mark AnthonyDirectorPersonnel30
Cruz, IrmaMarketing DirectorDWPN/D
Darrow, ArnoldAsst. Park Srvs. Attdt.Rec and Parks4
D’Artois, MelaniePower SupplyDWPN/D
De Stefano, JohnMain. and Constr. HelperPW12
Detamore, WestleyMetering ServicesDWPN/D
Dodgin, SylviaAqueductDWPN/D
Dominguez, DeborahEnergy DistributionDWPN/D
Donlin, Mary M.Sr. Systems AnalystHousing36
Eskander, Nashaat A.Veterinary TechnicianAnimal Services29
Eskay, Gary F.Sr. Electrical InspectorBldg. and Safety21
Ferguson, Huong TawnyDatabase ArchitectITA31
Ferraro, Peter JosephPhotographerLAPD23
Frank, Ruth C.Sr. Admin. ClerkBldg. and Safety16
Friend, Brooks G.Finance SpecialistCAO32
Fryer, Dennis LeeSt. Svcs. SupervisorPW29
Garcia, AlmaPublic BenefitsDWPN/D
Garrett, Gayle FrancineLibrarianLibrary25
Garth, Robert E.Bldg. Mech. InspectorBldg. and Safety36
Gebrehiwot, MakonnenSr. Security OfficerLAPD14
Glover, Lisa MichelleSr. Cooms. OperatorDOT38
Gomez, Guadalupe R.Automotive SupervisorGeneral Services38
Gornick, LancePower TransmissionDWPN/D
Graham, Ruby NellCrossing GuardDOT1
Grosvenor, StevenWater DistributionDWPN/D
Hake, Heather B.Police Perform. Aud.LAPD19
Harris, Darlene E.Childcare AssociateRec and Parks18
Hartman, EricSt, Utility CoordinationDWPN/D
Hayashida, Paul TsutomuChief Special InvestigatorLAFD8
Heath, RichardSecurity OfficerAirports10
Henry, Thomas HowardCity Planning Assoc.Planning31
Hernandez, George P.St. Services SupervisorPW27
Hung, Sam M.Comms. ElectricianAirports18
Isenhower, MichaelNew Business Dev.DWPN/D
Ishii, Mark StevenSystems ProgrammerITA34
Joaquin, AnneliAccounting/FinanceDWPN/D
Jones, Stanley D.CustodianPW11
Knighten, Kenneth GermoneSecurity OfficerLAPD9
Lopez, OdilioCustodianGeneral Services10
Magdaleno, HenryTruck OperatorPW35
Mark, Raymond A.Truck OperatorPW19
Maslovaric, MilicElectrical Craft HelperDOT12
Mau, Donna L.Management AnalystAirports6
Miranda, GloriaRecreation AssistantRec and Parks8
Molden, Stanley B.Security OfficerLAPD33
Monroy Calleros, Charles E.St. Services SupervisorPW33
Montes, Richard V.St. Lghtng. ElectricianPW35
Navarrete, JoePower SupplyDWPN/D
Norona, Arturo CatliCorrectional NursePersonnel15
Omorogieva, Thomas I.Enrnmtl. Engineering Assoc.PW30
Palmer, Dana J. P.Sr. Personnel AnalystAirports14
Pelayo, Sergio A.Refuse Coll Truck Oprtr.PW19
Pilar Cooke, Linda D.Airport GuideAirports10
Polintan, Dario S.Sr. Real Estate OfficerAirports20
Presto, Mary E.Administrative ClerkPW32
Randall, Gregory B.Animal Control OfficerAnimal Services27
Reily, Douglas MarshallCement FinisherPW17
Roberson, WilliamRecreation AssistantRec and Parks4
Roberts, Victor E.Gardener CaretakerRec and Parks20
Rodgers Starkey, Charlette E.Sr. Personnel AnalystPersonnel32
Rodriguez, ElizabethPower SupplyDWPN/D
Rogers, ReginaldRefuse Coll Truck Oprtr.PW15
Rowbotham, JohnEnergy DistributionDWPN/D
Ruckert, John M.Maintenance LaborerPW32
Rzepinski, David D.Supervising Trans. Plnr.DOT18
Sakuda-Campbell, LynetteCustomer BillingDWPN/D
Sands, Christopher A.St. Services SupervisorPW20
Sarkany, LynnBulk Power BusinessDWPN/D
Scrivens, GlenJFB Facilities Mngmnt.DWPN/D
Smith, CurtisIntegrated SupportDWPN/D
Smith Trigg, Eve R.Witness Services Coor.City Attorney29
Solis, DannySignal Systems Supvsr.DOT13
Soong, Jill WuSr. AccountantRec and Parks11
Stone, AaronPower TransmissionDWPN/D
Susim, CatalinaPolice Service RepLAPD37
Swader, Latisha LouiseAccounting ClerkAirports35
Strauch, JohnIntegrated SupportDWPN/D
Taylor, Alfred B.Light Equipment Oper.Rec and Parks33
Taylor, Robert EugeneRefuse Coll. Truck Oprtr.PW12
Thorsteinson, Lori L.Principal ClerkFinance33
Torres, DianeSupply ChainDWPN/D
Torres, Ricardo F.City Planning Assoc.Planning39
Toy, RobertITSDWPN/D
Tran, JacquelineDatabase ArchitectITA32
Vidauri, SegundoSpecial Programs Asst.Rec and Parks12
Walker, Christopher HenryTraffic Painter Sign PostDOT30
West, JanetSr. Management AnalystHousing20
Wildy, Donald S.Management AnalystLAPD31
Williams, LawrieceCustodian SupervisorAirports30
Wood, Deborah M.Asst. Ch. Grants Admin.Housing34
Woolfolk, Sheila L.Pr. ClerkLAPD45
Worden, Michele L.Hearing OfficerCity Attorney37