By Ruth B. Perry
President, Retired Los Angeles City Employees, Inc.
“A politician thinks of the next election. A statesman, of the next generation.” – James Freeman Clarke
It is with a humble heart and an enthusiastic outlook that I begin my tenure as RLACEI President in the good company of my fellow directors. The RLACEI Board of Directors is responsible for the budget, contracts, projects, etc., for our community of Retirees, and the Directors are the final decision-makers on policy and all other matters relating to our organization.
While not everyone is able or interested in serving as a Director, we encourage everyone to take an opportunity to meet those individuals who will serve the best interests of our membership as a whole. Join us at sponsored RLACEI and LACERS events to inform us of your thoughts, suggestions, and otherwise, in regards to your pension benefits and interests. Visit our Website at RLACEI.org.
Contact us at (800) 678-4145. Help us develop a “2020” vision and communicate your concerns to and engage our politicians and City administration in the preservation of our benefits. If you haven’t done so already, join the RLACEI membership and me in representing you and your neighbors as well. Let’s continue to have our collective voice be heard loud and clear for future generations to come.