Meet Lydia Hollins
By Beverly Clark, RLACEI Publicity Chair

Lydia Hollins retired in 2015 from the LAPD as a Systems Analyst. During her City employment, she worked for both LAPD and Transportation. Upon retiring, Lydia had 25 years of service on the job and bought back five years of military time, which allowed her to qualify for a 30-year pension. Prior to working for the City, Lydia served in the US Army for nine years as a Sergeant E-5.
Before the COVID-19 pandemic, Lydia’s daily activity included water aerobics and swimming at the Pools of Hope in Long Beach.
One of Lydia’s favorite hobbies is fishing. Her favorite fishing spots are in freshwater lakes. Being retired has allowed Lydia to spend more time with family and friends, and especially her grandchildren, whom she adores. She has invested time in teaching her grandchildren how to manage money and business skills, which will prepare them for a stable future.
Lydia says she is blessed to be able to now take care of her mother and her medical needs. She has one son and one daughter, two sisters, one brother and two grandchildren.
When asked about favorite hobbies, it seems that travel is always at the top of every Retirees list. Lydia is no exception. She says, “I love to travel but I especially love cruising. I have been to South America, Asia, the Caribbean, Mexico, Central America, North America and Cuba.” She can’t wait to be able to travel again!
Lydia is a member of RLACEI and is very involved with her church. However, since the pandemic, church services and activities have been virtual.
Any words of wisdom for Retirees or those about to retire?
“My words of wisdom to those who are considering retiring are to live your life to the fullest because you don’t get a do-over.”
What was the smartest thing you did to prepare for retirement, or did you plan on retiring when you did?
“I really did not plan on my retirement when I began working for the City, but I knew it was a job with good benefits. I was a 30-year-old single mother when I began working for the City of Los Angeles. When I started, retiring was not on my mind. My only concern was to be able to provide for my children. As they got older, I realized that they would not need me as much as they did when they were younger, and that’s when I began to think about retirement! I knew I did not want to work until I was 60 years old, so I came up with a plan to retire at the age of 55 by purchasing my military service credit.”
What do you miss or don’t miss about your years of service to the City of Los Angeles?
“What I miss most are the people I met while working and all of the eating adventures we had together.”
As you reflect on your City career, would you have done anything differently?
“I don’t think I would have done anything differently. I feel as though God placed me where I should be. I had previously applied for positions as a Police Officer with the LAPD, Hermosa Beach Police and Airport Police, but those jobs did not pan out. So I realized that I was where I should be working for the LAPD in various positions throughout my career.”
How do you fill your days?
“I do whatever comes to me to do. Some days I just lay in bed and watch TV like I use to wish for when I was working.”
If you could change one thing about retired life, what would that be?
“There is nothing I would change. I feel that life is predestined, and I am where I should be at this appointed time.”
The Shelter-in-Place order has changed our normal way of life. Do you find this
time challenging?
“I am unable to do any of the things that used to keep me busy. I especially miss going to the pool to work out. I do not find this time too challenging with the exception of the children being homeschooled. My family i
s very close, so we spend a lot of time together.”
Are you bored?
“I am somewhat bored but the family, cooking and being able to go to lakes to fish helps the boredom.”
How do you socialize now?
“I socialize only with family.”
What do you miss most?
“I miss being able to go out to restaurants with my family.”
Since February is Lydia’s birthday month, we wish Lydia a happy Retired birthday!