The RLACEI Board wishes Ruth Perry a fond farewell.
Effective Dec. 31, 2024, Ruth B. Perry retired from the RLACEI Board as President.
Ruth joined the Board in May 2018. During her tenure, she first served as Director at Large, Membership Director and then was elected as President. She began her term as President of the Board on Jan. 1, 2019. Her City career began in 1991, and after 27 years she retired as Personnel Officer for LACERS in March 2018.
Ruth’s goal as RLACEI president was to see the organization grow and become effective in assuring City Retirees were getting the best from their retirement benefits. She was always willing to go the extra mile to help in any way she could. She often spent more time helping and researching concerns from Retirees than was required knowing that many times RLACEI was the only organization Retirees knew to turn to. With her many years working for LACERS, she was able to bring a wealth of information and knowledge to the Board to assist Retirees.
During her tenure, she revamped the RLACEI webpage; improved board member email contact and the Facebook page; spoke before the Los Angeles City Council regarding discretionary cost of living adjustment for Retirees;and forged to change the IRMA policy. She was instrumental in making the RLACEI picnics and holiday parties more festive and enjoyable. She attended and represented RLACEI at LACERS events, Employees Club events and the Los Angeles Fire and Police Pensions organization.
One of her proudest accomplishments was assisting in the planning and overseeing of RLACEI’s 50th anniversary celebration held in June 2023. The celebration marked a milestone for RLACEI.
Ruth, what inspired you to serve on the RLACEI Board?
“In 2001, I was introduced to the Retired Los Angeles City Employees, Inc. (RLACEI) when I started working at the Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS) as a Chief Clerk in the Retirement Counseling Unit. LACERS would receive information from RLACEI to include in the retirement packets given to members during counseling. As part of my training, I read these documents and was pleased to learn that Retirees had an advocacy group that not only worked for them but also organized several annual events for City of Los Angeles retirees to gather.
“During my years at LACERS, I had the pleasure of meeting RLACEI President Ed Harding and others, including Ken Spiker, who served on both the RLACEI and LACERS Board of Administration. RLACEI played a crucial role in encouraging the LACERS Board and the City Council to implement yearly cost of living adjustments (COLAs), maintain medical and dental subsidies in line with premium increases, increase the funeral expense allowance from $500 to $2,500, and strive to enhance as many other benefits as possible. I admired RLACEI’s perseverance and knew that I wanted to be part of this advocacy group when I retired.”
Why did you decide to accept the position of President?
“I retired from the City on March 3, 2018, and shortly afterward, on May 18, 2018, I joined RLACEI as a Director-at-Large. Wasting no time, I eagerly joined the only organization dedicated to advocating for and protecting our pensions and benefits. I was thrilled to be accepted into this esteemed group. Ed Harding, who had served as RLACEI President for more than 25 years, was seeking directors who could bring fresh perspectives and new ideas to the organization.
“In the following months, along with newly appointed director Beverly Clark, I immersed myself in learning about the inner workings of RLACEI from Ed, Hal Danowitz, Neil Ricci, and the other long-standing directors. Despite just meeting, Beverly and I quickly became like two peas in a pod. It was remarkable how our ideas aligned and were well received by Ed and the rest of the board. To our surprise, Ed asked Beverly and me if we would consider becoming officers. Although we may have initially felt unprepared for such a challenge, Ed nominated me for President and Beverly for Vice-President, with our terms beginning in January 2019. There was no stopping us now—exciting changes were on the horizon!”
What’s next?
“Nothing and everything! I know it sounds a bit whimsical, but I’ve been on the go since I was 12 years old, delivering newspapers in my neighborhood. The Daily News doesn’t even exist anymore! I’ve worked non-stop for a solid 50 years. With my husband’s recent passing, I’ve realized I need to devote more time to myself and my family. Richard and I had many beautiful places we planned to visit but couldn’t due to work. I plan to fulfill some of those plans in his memory. And if you ever find yourself at Disney California Adventure, look for me on Buena Vista Street—I’ll be the one in polka dots.”
Any words of wisdom or parting words to Retirees?
“Stay active, volunteer, and get involved. It’s never too late to start afresh or embark on a new journey. Explore the world or simply your neighborhood. Smile at a stranger, and always live your best life! This isn’t goodbye, I’ll see you around.”
Celebrating Ruth B. Perry
As RLACEI President Ruth Perry steps down, Club staffers who most interacted with her pay tribute.

As the CEO of the Employees Club of California, it is my profound honor to recognize and celebrate the incredible contributions of Ruth B. Perry. Her name has become a symbol of leadership, advocacy and tireless service to the Retiree community. Stepping down from her role as RLACEI President, Ruth leaves behind a legacy that exemplifies what it means to lead with purpose and heart.
Throughout her years of service, Ruth consistently championed the rights and well-being of Retired Los Angeles City employees. Under her guidance, the RLACEI Board not only advanced its mission but became a powerful voice for Retirees. Her dedication and determination in advocating for meaningful change stood as an example of what true leadership looks like.
I’ll never forget hearing about a pivotal City government meeting where Ruth took the stage with her signature focus and calm resolve. She spoke directly—and passionately—about the unique challenges facing Retirees, cutting through the noise to ensure their voices were heard. It was a moment that truly embodied the phrase, “actions speak louder than words.” Her efforts were like a lighthouse, standing strong to guide and protect those navigating uncertain waters.
Ruth’s impact extends far beyond RLACEI. Her work has lit a path for countless others, showing us all the way to create a better future for Retirees. Though her term as president may conclude, her legacy of compassion, leadership and determination will continue to shape and inspire us for years to come.
Thank you, Ruth, for dedicating yourself to the betterment of others. Your extraordinary contributions have left a lasting mark, and on behalf of the Employees Club of California, we are deeply grateful for your service. We wish you nothing but the best in this next chapter of your life.
— Robert Larios, President & CEO
Los Angeles City Employees Association
Employees Club of California
Ruth, thank you for being a true champion of the Club and cultivating a partnership that has strengthened our shared mission of celebrating and serving Retired Los Angeles City employees. Your dedication and positive energy have made a lasting impact, and we’re really going to miss seeing you in this role. But this isn’t goodbye—you’ll always be part of the Club family, and we’re excited to see what’s next for you. Wishing you nothing but the best in this next chapter!
— Summy Lam, Club Chief Operating Officer
Ruth, it has been such a pleasure working with you over the years at the wonderful RLACEI events. You are an inspiring, positive leader with a remarkable work ethic and a relentless “get things done” attitude.
Your dedication as an advocate for Retirees has made a lasting impact, and your contributions will always be remembered. You will be greatly missed.
I wish you all the best as you begin this new chapter in your life.
— Noelle Kauffman, Club Director of Sales
Working with Ruth has been a privilege. Her vision and tireless leadership have shaped RLACEI into something truly special, fostering a strong, supportive community. I’m grateful for the opportunity to work alongside her in serving those who have given so much. Wishing Ruth all the best.
— Guadalupe Lira, Club Director of
Retail Operations and E-commerce
Ruth, I’ll never forget all the creative name changes you’ve given me. At this point, I’ve embraced all my new identities. Wishing you the best, Delgado (or should I say, DeAngelo… or was it Donatello?).
— DeAngelo Thompson,
Mobile Operations Representative

Ruth, I am proud to have been at the helm of the Club when you took on the role of President of RLACEI. From the moment we partnered together, I knew something special was unfolding – your enthusiasm, determination and infectious energy ignited a transformation in RLACEI. You reimagined and rejuvenated the Retirees association with love, vision and a commitment to the Retirees of the City of Los Angeles. Under your leadership RLACEI has evolved into a stronger, more vibrant and more unified Retirees association.
Ruth, you will be missed, but I have no doubt that Ann Seales will pick up right where you left off, continuing the incredible legacy that you have built.
Thank you.
— John Hawkins, Club Founder,
and Education and Training Manager
So Long Ruth! Here’s to the Next Adventure
“Ruth, our journey together serving on the board ends, but our friendship and my respect for you and the contributions you have made forges on. You have been an inspiration from your very first RLACEI meeting to both those serving on the board and the Los Angeles City Retiree community. Thank you for your contributions to this board. Your dedication and commitment have been instrumental in making RLACEI a strong, supportive organization, and your leadership has inspired others to join RLACEI and work toward a better future for all retirees.”
— Beverly J. Clark