he RLACEI Board of Directors sends its best wishes and a fond farewell to Board Director Tom Moutes, who served on the board for three years.
Tom was elected to the board in 2019 and brought with him a vast amount of knowledge from his previous position. He joined LACERS in 2001 and served as LACERS General Manager from 2010 until he retired in 2018.
As a board director, he served as the legislative chair and was instrumental in working to revise the board’s by-laws. Tom was always willing to help wherever needed and has provided informative and thought-provoking monthly articles in Alive! for Retirees.
Tom’s contributions to RLACEI have been invaluable. He has been a tireless advocate for the organization and its members. As director, Tom was always willing to share his knowledge and expertise, and always looking for ways to improve the organization. He will be deeply missed by everyone who has had the pleasure of working with him and reading his articles.
Tom has helped to make RLACEI a stronger organization and has left a lasting impact on its members. Thanks, Tom, and farewell!