A Message from President Ruth B. Perry

On behalf of the Board of the Retired Los Angeles City Employees, Inc. (RLACEI), I extend a very Happy New Year’s greeting. We hope everyone was able to rest, stay healthy and enjoy treasured time with loved ones over the holidays...

LACERS Actuary Report A Boost to Funded Status

Our actuarial value is up and our unfunded liability (the amount that we are below 100 percent funding) is down. That’s good news...

Why I Belong to LACERS (And You Should, Too)

Why do I belong to the Retired Los Angeles City Employees, Inc. (RLACEI)? The answer is threefold: LACERS needs to have a watchdog, I enjoy the social events, and I enjoy the benefits of my automatic enrollment in the Employees Club...

Follow RLACEI on Facebook

Join or follow RLACEI on Facebook and you could win a prize!

Follow RLACEI on Facebook

Join or follow RLACEI on Facebook and you could win a prize!

LACERS Plans to Grow Private Equity in Near Future

Pacific Grove is just south of Monterey and just north of the 17-Mile Drive, famous for the Pebble Beach Golf courses. I played this course Nov. 2, and after enjoying an incredible experience there, I thought I’d share it with you...

LACERS Plans to Grow Private Equity in Near Future

As I discussed in a previous article, LACERS is careful to diversify its investments in many ways including when the investment is made. No one has a crystal ball to know exactly when is the right time to invest...

Four Things to Know From Latest LACERS Valuation

Every year at about this time it is like Christmastime for retirement nerds – also known as when the annual actuarial valuation is published! Following are four interesting things I found in this year’s valuation...

Brenda G. Smith is Retirees on the Move

Meet Brenda Smith, who says she is a “happy Retiree.” Brenda worked for the City of Los Angeles for 39 years in three departments: Building and Safety, Public Works and the LAPD, where she retired as a Sr. Management Analyst...

A Shout Out to LACERS Well!

If you ever have the opportunity to attend either by Zoom or in person one of the LACERS Well seminars, please be sure to do so as you will certainly learn something...