A Message from President Ruth B. Perry
In the past few days, you may have received a letter and/or invoice from the Employees Club (also known as LACEA) stating that its...
RLACEI hosts an end-of-summer party for the beginning of Latino Heritage Month.
The RLACEI’s end-of-summer Fiesta on Sept. 12, was a delightful event for all attendees. Despite some of us who woke up to shaking and rattling from an earthquake centered in Malibu, the weather was...
LACERS Board Approves Health, Dental, Vision Renewals
Each year, the Benefits Administration Committee, which I chair, reviews the available health plans and approves the plans and premiums for the upcoming year.
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We are urged to start planning for retirement almost from the time we begin work...
When We Plan to Retire
We can all agree that finance is essential to retirement planning and that there are many resources available to us...
LACERS Reports on Private Equity Returns
Now is the time to look again at our Private Equity program since it is a vital part of our investment portfolio at LACERS....
Right Relationships
It’s been said that the two most important days of life are the day we’re born, and the day we discover why...
LACERS Reports on Investment Returns
LACERS recently reported positive investment returns for the quarter ending March 31, 2024, and strong returns for the one-year period...
Retirees on the Move: Meet Esther and Elliott Porter
Meet Esther and Elliott Porter. Both are City of Los Angeles Retirees...