Three inspection managers take us inside LA’s housing crunch.
Los Angeles Housing Dept. faces the challenge every working day of taking care of citizens in need, all according to housing code. On the front lines is the department’s inspection services...
Traveling the world with work friends is all about laughing and staying young.
This is more than a story about traveling, or working, or retirement. It’s a story about friendship, with those other subjects all rolled into one. This is the story of the Cali Passport Posse (CPP)...
A dedicated team is painstakingly restoring City Hall’s priceless artwork for its 100th anniversary...
City Hall is full of hard-working public employees looking up to the future. But the team of General Services and the nonprofit Project Restore looks up for a different reason – it’s the location of so much precious and priceless artwork, including murals, tiles, metalwork, and more...
Overall Association CEO John Hawkins hands the reins to Club subsidiary CEO Robert Larios.
Last November, after a decade of preparation, John Hawkins, CEO of the parent company Los Angeles City Employees Association (LACEA), enacted a succession plan and handed the overall reins to Robert Larios, the CEO of the Employees Club of California, a subsidiary. Robert Larios will now lead both the parent company, LACEA, and its subsidiary, the Employees Club.
The incredible Club Truck delivers a new era of performance, accessibility and fast response.
On Sept. 21, the LAPD hosted its annual “Above and Beyond” ceremony honoring 23 Officers who demonstrated the highest level of courage and bravery in protecting the City...
Police Dept.’s annual event honors heroes with the Purple Heart and Medal of Valor.
On Sept. 21, the LAPD hosted its annual “Above and Beyond” ceremony honoring 23 Officers who demonstrated the highest level of courage and bravery in protecting the City...
Restoring the Vision Theatre brings a beacon of light to Leimert Park.
A vision of hope, art and life is nearing completion in South LA’s Leimert Park – the impressively restored Vision Theatre Performing Arts Center. It’s a project of Cultural Affairs, Public Works/Engineering, many other City departments, and countless community activists who have long dreamed of reopening it.
Catching up on the progress of StreetsLA’s Center for Green Innovation.
In the middle of the pandemic – Feb. 15, 2022 – StreetsLA introduced its Center for Green Innovation as part of LA’s growing response to the climate crisis. The Club has been eager to catch up with the sustainability team to find out more details...
Central Library’s Octavia Lab makerspace expands the limits of learning.
The Octavia Lab, named after the award-winning science fiction author Octavia E. Butler, is a do-it-yourself makerspace located inside the Los Angeles Public Library’s historic Central Library.
Party celebrated half a century of serving Retirees who served the City.
On June 8, 2023, the Retired Los Angeles City Employees, Inc. celebrated its past, toasted its present, and pledged to its future of advocacy for Retired City employees...