Lifes Moments: Retirements March 2025

Here’s a listing of all those who retired from the City this month...

Lifes Moments: In Memoriam March 2025

Our thoughts and condolences are with the family and friends of the following current and retired City employees who have passed away...

Get Happy Now: Sunshine of Tomorrow

"There’s so much to look forward to.” These words are a reminder that life doesn’t include do-overs, and we have no viable choice except to move forward...


LACERS Reports Investment Gains

Now is a suitable time to turn the spotlight on private equity, one of LACERS’ largest investment classes...

Catching up with RLACEI’s 103-year-old member.

Carrie celebrated her 103rd birthday on Jan. 28, 2025, at a surprise party with a group of friends at the prestigious Il Pastaio Restaurant in Beverly Hills...

A Message from RLACEI President Ann Seales

As RLACEI’s newly elected president, I reflect on the incredible journey shared over the past year and marvel over our achievements, and I look forward to what is next on the horizon...

Meet Your Board: Larry Tinson

The RLACEI Board welcomes its newly elected Board Director Larry Tinson...

In Memoriam: Elliott Porter

The RLACEI Board regrets to announce the passing of Elliott Porter...

LACERS Reports on Private Equity Returns

Now is a suitable time to turn the spotlight on private equity, one of LACERS’ largest investment classes...

Ruth Perry: A Lifetime of Service

Past President Ruth B. Perry received the Club’s Lifetime Achievement award...

Get Happy Now: Giving The Main Thing!

For many people, the start of a new year is the time for starting something new, setting goals, or eliminating something (or someone) undesirable from their life...

RLACEI: Farewell, Ruth

Effective Dec. 31, 2024, Ruth B. Perry retired from the RLACEI Board as President...

Carrie’s Corner: Wisdom from RLACEI’s 102-year-old member.

Carrie A. Gabriel began working for the City in 1946 and retired in 1978. Carrie will celebrate her 103rd birthday, Jan 28, 2025. We thought it would be interesting to get her perspective on various topics of the day...

Get Happy Now: Giving

It’s amazing how this works, but giving to someone who is special to you or contributing to a cause or organization can bring a greater sense of satisfaction with life...

Funded Level Increases in LACERS Retirement, Health Plans

LACERS’ actuary, Segal, reports an increase in the funded level of the retirement and health plans for the period ending June 30, 2024...

RLACEI: Holiday Party Sees Transition

This year’s annual RLACEI holiday party enjoyed great friendships renewed, good food, big attendance prizes – and tons more people! The attendance more than doubled this...

Happy Holidays From the RLACEI Board

May your holidays be full of joy, laughter and treasured moments...

LACERS Considers Asset Allocation

One of the most important decisions coming to the LACERS Board of Administration is how to invest the funds that pay for our pensions and healthcare...

Get Happy Now: Purpose

Is your life in retirement worth the wait? Are you living a life of meaning?...

LACERS Sets Assumptions For Long-term Health Costs

How does LACERS plan to ensure that funds are available for your healthcare now as well as many years into the future?...

In Memoriam: For Retired Club Members

Our thoughts and prayers are with the family and friends of these RLACEI members who have recently passed away.

Get Happy Now: Attitude

The Oxford Dictionary defines attitude as a “settled way of thinking or feeling about someone or something...

A Message from President Ruth B. Perry

In the past few days, you may have received a letter and/or invoice from the Employees Club (also known as LACEA) stating that its...

RLACEI hosts an end-of-summer party for the beginning of Latino Heritage Month.

The RLACEI’s end-of-summer Fiesta on Sept. 12, was a delightful event for all attendees. Despite some of us who woke up to shaking and rattling from an earthquake centered in Malibu, the weather was...


With the advent of retirement, aging can take up a lot of space in our mind.

