A Note From the RLACEI President
In the past few days, you may have received a letter and/or invoice from the Employees Club (also known as LACEA) stating that its partnership with the Retired Los Angeles City Employees, Inc. (RLACEI) has ended, and the Club will be resuming its monthly membership dues. Sadly, this is correct; our agreement expired Dec. 31, 2023, and now the Employees Club has taken action to renew their dues directly.
Prior to 2018, our partnership was forged on a simple “handshake” agreement beginning in 2001. In 2018, we entered into a formal written five-year agreement which afforded RLACEI members free membership to the Employees Club, a savings of $48 per year for five years. After analyzing the current agreement, and the rising costs of printing, publication, staffing, mailing, etc., it was determined that it was cost prohibitive to continue the agreement as it was implemented in 2018. It was necessary for both organizations to explore a new direction while maintaining financial security and keeping the best interests of Retirees at the forefront. RLACEI and the Employees Club will be pursuing a long-term agreement which includes a true collaboration, but no longer free membership to our members. Retiree membership dues to the Employees Club will remain at $4 per month, if you sign up for payroll deduction. RLACEI membership dues will remain at $3 per month.
RLACEI is a nonprofit organization with a current membership of approximately 5,900 members. We advocate on behalf of our members including public comments to the LACERS Board and City Council regarding Cost-of-Living Adjustments (COLAs); premiums and subsidies for our health benefits; potential Medicare reimbursement for all retirees, not just those with 40 quarters; potential reimbursement for IRMAAs; and many more matters that may impact Retiree pensions and benefits. In addition, we host three to four events a year for our members at no cost to them. We enjoy providing a festive atmosphere with entertainment, food, giveaways and prizes, where our members can interact with their fellow Retirees. If you attend even one event with a guest and perhaps win a prize, you’ve received more than your membership money’s worth in return! Not to mention the advocacy and protection of benefits that is RLACEI’s foremost reason for existing. We hope that our advocacy remains important enough so that our members inform their fellow Retirees to seek us out and become a member – or better yet – become a board member! We are the only organization whose board members are all City of Los Angeles Retirees.
The new collaboration/partnership between the Employees Club and RLACEI would include a sponsorship of Recognition Awards for Retirees, expanding the program the Employees Club currently has in place. We look forward to including more joint events for both Retirees and active employees, such as Medieval Times, Dodger Nights, City Department visits, casino bus excursions, seminars to prepare potential Retirees for transition to retirement, and much more.
RLACEI is also in the process of developing a more interactive website, where we may be posting our two featured pages from the Employee Club’s Alive! publication. We also have an RLACEI Facebook page with updated information regarding our works in action, public comments, and events. We have recently started sending email blasts to our members. Please send your current email to us at Contact@RLACEI.org should you like to be included.
We apologize if the letter from the Employees Club caused any confusion. We hope to resolve any issues and answer all questions, calls and emails as quickly as possible.
We assure you that the relationship between RLACEI and the Employees Club is healthy and robust and will continue to serve our mutual members for as long as you allow us to. We have been and continue to be here to serve our Retirees.

We thank you again for all your support, understanding and membership.