A Message from RLACEI President Ann Seales


From the President

A Message from RLACEI President Ann Seales

Ann Seales

As RLACEI’s newly elected president, I reflect on the incredible journey shared over the past year and marvel over our achievements, and I look forward to what is next on the horizon. 

RLACEI has made remarkable milestones, such as successfully lobbying for the cancelation of the Windfall Elimination Provision, or the Government Pension Offset as a part of the Social Security Fairness Act, which was passed by Congress and signed into law by President Joe Biden on Jan. 4, 2025. This change will have a tremendous impact on a substantial number of our membership. In addition, RLACEI appeared before the Los Angeles City Council to petition approval of an additional 2.85 percent Cost of Living Allowance (COLA) recommended by the Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System (LACERS) to offset the high inflation we all have faced over the past four to five years. While we did not receive the results we wanted, the fight continues, and with the continued support of our members, we are confident that change is possible. RLACEI has made great strides in advocating for causes close to our hearts, strengthening our community’s voice and affecting real change.

RLACEI’s alliance with the Employees Club of California remains intact; however, changes to our contract has resulted in RLACEI members no longer receiving free membership to the Club. We will continue to partner with the Club to provide the best benefits possible for our members. Going forward, articles published in Alive! by RLACEI will be added to our website and emailed to members. We also anticipate increasing our communication via email blasts to keep members informed of RLACEI activities, including our annual social events which continue to receive increased participation. RLACEI will continue to partner with the LACERS Wellness Program to offer our members additional activities to maintain and improve wellbeing.

I look forward to the continued growth and success of our mission to advocate for and monitor our retirement benefits in the year ahead.

May this year be filled with new opportunities, lasting partnerships and moments of joy. I look forward to a wonderful year and offer my thanks for allowing me the privilege to serve as President.

 Ann Seales, RLACEI, President