For Active and Retired Members
LACERS now uses an appointment-based system for all members who need in-person assistance. There are two options for appointments: in person, at our headquarters, and virtually, via Zoom. These new options allow for timely and convenient access to get your questions answered. Visit to make an appointment online or call (800) 779-8328.
Appointments aren’t necessary if you drop off documents Monday – Friday from 8 a.m. – 4 p.m., and don’t need to speak to anyone. Please note that LACERS’ operating hours have changed.
In-Person and Virtual Appointment Hours:
8 a.m. – 4 p.m., Monday – Friday.
Phone Hours:
7 a.m. – 4 p.m. Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday; 7 a.m. – 3 p.m. Tuesday
Additional online options continue to be available to you. Use the LACERS’ Secure Document Upload found at to submit forms or required documents, visit the LACERS website at to obtain benefits information; log onto your MyLACERS account at to view your account details; and visit the LACERS’ YouTube channel at where you can find a wealth of benefits videos. Stay up to date on LACERS announcements by checking the website periodically at, contacting LACERS by email at, and by phone at (800) 779-8328.
Please be advised that pre-entry metal detector screening requirements are in place at LACERS’ headquarters, and a current government-issued photo identification or City employee badge is required except when attending public meetings of the LACERS Board of Administration. Parking is not available at the building. Paid parking lots, public transit and street parking are available nearby•
For Retired Members
Social Security Fairness Act Signed Into Law
On January 5, then-President Joe Biden signed H.R. 82, the Social Security Fairness Act into law. While this law does not affect LACERS benefits, it may result in increased Social Security benefits for some LACERS Members.
The Act repeals two federal provisions—the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and the Government Pension Offset (GPO)—which reduced Social Security payments for many public sector Retirees and survivors who received pensions from a public retirement system not requiring Social Security contributions. With the repeal, Social Security benefits for these individuals will no longer face such reductions.
The Social Security Fairness Act applies to benefits payable from January 2024 onward. The Social Security Administration is actively preparing to implement the law. For assistance or more information, Members should contact the Social Security Administration directly at (866) 964-0991 or Please note that LACERS cannot address questions about Social Security benefits or the impact of the new law. •
For Active Members
Active Member Checkup
Now is a great time to check on your LACERS benefits. Here are some things to review:
MyLACERS Account
Have you created your profile on the MyLACERS Member Portal at MyLACERS is your online gateway to real-time details about your retirement account. Not sure how to get started? Watch this two-minute video on our YouTube channel
Review your designated beneficiaries annually to be sure they are current. You can view your designations via your MyLACERS account at To update them, submit a new Designation of Beneficiary Form found at
Attend a Retirement Benefits Seminar
It doesn’t matter what stage you are at in your City career, attending a seminar is a necessary to understand all the components of your retirement benefits and eligibility. View the schedule on the LACERS website at and/or register to attend via your MyLACERS Account at
Service Credit Purchases
Did you work part-time intermittently for the City of Los Angeles before joining the LACERS plan or full-time for another government agency? Have you gone through a divorce or taken a long unpaid leave of absence? If so, you may be eligible to purchase Service Credit, which may count toward your retirement eligibility and increase your retirement allowance and health subsidy.
Watch this Service Purchase video on our YouTube channel, to learn more. When contacting LACERS to discuss a service purchase, be sure to ask to speak with a Buyback Representative.
Supplementing Your Retirement
Your LACERS benefit alone may not cover your expenses in retirement. To supplement your LACERS retirement allowance, you may want to consider the LACERS Larger Annuity Program on the LACERS website at and the Personnel Dept.’s Deferred Compensation Program at These are voluntary programs that could help bridge an income gap in retirement
Sign Up for Retirement Benefits Seminar
Here are the upcoming programs to help with your planning.
Learn about your retirement options and benefits at an upcoming Planning for Retirement webinar, hosted by the LACERS Member Engagement team. Register via your MyLACERS account. Upcoming dates include:
Thurs., Feb. 20 (webinar)
Thurs., March 6 (webinar)
Tues., March 18 (webinar)
Sat., March 22 (in person at LACERS HQ)
Thurs., April 3 (in person at California Endowment)
Tues., April 15 (webinar)
Webinars/events begin at 9 a.m.
Check the LACERS calendar as events are scheduled.
Applying for Retirement Online
Members are encouraged to submit their retirement application 60 days before their retirement date when using LACERS’ new Retirement Application Portal (RAP). The RAP is a great asset to LACERS Members that helps to streamline the retirement process. While the filing period is within 30 to 60 days of your retirement date, starting your application early and submitting it on the first day you can at the 60-day-prior mark, will allow for a couple of benefits. These include having ample time to discover any complications and address them without having to move your retirement date, as well as ensuring LACERS staff has time to meet your retirement date request.
For example, if your desired retirement date is March 22, 2025, you would have aimed to submit your retirement application in the portal on Jan. 21, 2025. For more information, please visit