Cyber Security: Why Do We Need It?


Michael Wilkinson, LACERS/Legal Representative

By Michael R. Wilkinson, LACERS Commissioner


s the chair of the LACERS Ad Hoc Cyber Security Committee, I have been involved with this issue since the committee was first formed. Every day we see news reports about another institution that has been victimized by cyberattacks.

Here are some of the latest news headlines: “Cisco Suffers Cyber Attack.” “Uber Internal Systems Compromised.” “Sensitive NATO Data Leaked.”  And these are just from my research today!

What can we do? We can implement sophisticated systems both in our network in the office and in the cloud. In addition, staff can be trained to identify and thwart cyberattacks. (The “cloud,” in case you’ve heard the term but don’t know what it means, is the network of computers throughout the world that websites, social media and companies use to store all your data on the Internet.)

The details of LACERS cyber security protections are confidential, but they are extensive, and they are constantly being updated to keep up with new threats.

One of the areas of concern is social engineering, a term that means using deception to gain access to computer systems such as by using emails to get people to unknowingly disclose confidential information. A good example would be a fake giveaway email, such as, “Click here to get a free iPhone.”  In fact, there is no free iPhone, but rather a link to malware to damage the network or damage your own computer or phone.

Now, that is what LACERS is doing. How can you help? Here are some ideas from the LACERS website.

Online Safety Tips

  • Create strong passwords: Don’t use your pet’s name, your house number or 12345. Don’t laugh; that last one is always high on the most popular password lists.
  • Use two-factor identification.
  • Avoid free Wi-Fi connections.
  • Ignore smartphone charging stations at the airport, which may connect to malware.
  • Don’t click on links from someone you don’t know.
  • Create a MyLACERS account so that you can securely communicate with LACERS.

Finally, if you think your information has been hacked, please call LACERS at (800) 779-8328.