Here’s a listing of all those who retired from the City this month.
To all we say, welcome to the Best Years!
You can click on the arrows in the top row to sort by NAME, TITLE, DEPARTMENT or YEARS OF SERVICE. View 10, 25, 50 or 100 per page by clicking on Show Entries.
Acuna, Miguel A. | Finance Ofcr. | Econ./Wrkfrce Dev. | 32 |
Adams Wright, Stacy | Admin. Clerk | LAPD | 34 |
Allen, Andrew A. | Officer | Airports | 31 |
Barberena, Raul | Event Attendant | Gen. Services | 8 |
Bedikian, Hagop K. | Environmental Spec. | Airports | 6 |
Bishop, Jacquie | Management Analyst | Gen. Services | 7 |
Blondeel-Timmerman, John | Power Transmission | DWP | N/D |
Brown, Aubrey M. | Park Ranger | Rec and Parks | 29 |
Cabrera, Agnes C. | Systems Analyst | Public Works | 18 |
Callaway, Wendell A. | Sergeant | Airports | 35 |
Cammarata, Nancy | Sr. Mgmt. Analyst | LAPD | 32 |
Carter, Carolyn | Customer Service | DWP | N/D |
Castellanos, Robert | Env. Chem Lab | DWP | N/D |
Chavez, Jeanna | Sr. Admin. Clerk | Public Works | 15 |
Cochran, Kennith J. | Carpenter | Rec and Parks | 32 |
Cruz, Cynthia Salazar | Accounting Clerk | City Attorney | 16 |
De La Cruz Nieto, Rafael | Irrigation Specialist | Rec and Parks | 15 |
Diaz, Maria S. | Custodian | Airports | 13 |
Diaz, Rafael | Street Services Worker | Public Works | 10 |
Dyche, Daniel M. | Gardener Caretaker | Rec and Parks | 36 |
Eng, Zachary Bryan | Trans. Engineering Ass. | Transportation | 31 |
Ferguson, Lonney Ron | Director of Systems | ITA | 30 |
Flake, Anthony R. | Custodian | Airports | 10 |
Fong, Wanda | Library Assistant | Library | 47 |
Foerstel, Gregory | Power Transmission | DWP | N/D |
Fox, Gary | Fleet Services | DWP | N/D |
Gallegos, Paula | Sr. Admin. Clerk | LAPD | 35 |
Gardner, Keith B. | Painter | Harbor | 17 |
Golfo, Rolando | Power Supply | DWP | N/D |
Gonzalez, Josephine | Sustainability | DWP | N/D |
Gordon, Randy T. | Admin. Clerk | Gen. Services | 31 |
Hansen, Harold Neal | Polygraph Examiner | LAPD | 17 |
Hernandez, John M. | Sergeant | Airports | 29 |
Hines, Barbara A. | Admin. Clerk | LAPD | 20 |
Hom, Randolph S. | Dep. City Attorney | City Attorney | 2 |
Hughes, Thomas | Power Supply | DWP | N/D |
Hulsey, Gary | Power New Business | DWP | N/D |
James, Carolyn M. | Pr. Rec Supervisor | Rec and Parks | 35 |
Kamchamnan, Sompong | Parking Attendant | Gen. Services | 13 |
Kelley, Detra Dejuania | Pr. Clerk | LAPD | 33 |
Kennedy, Margaret A. | Management Analyst | Rec and Parks | 30 |
Kirkwood, Calvin | Water Distribution | DWP | N/D |
Kirkwood, Ruby J. | Sr. Admin. Clerk | El Pueblo Hist. Mon. | 21 |
Kuo, Steven | Clerical Assistant | Library | 3 |
Lane, Priscilla O. | Admin. Clerk | Rec and Parks | 19 |
Lopez, David | Supply Chain | DWP | N/D |
Mannino, James | Constr. & Maintenance | DWP | N/D |
Martinez, Alejandro | Custodian | Gen. Services | 15 |
Martinez, Timothy | Power Supply | DWP | N/D |
McAuley, William | Security Services | DWP | N/D |
Medina, Juanita | Sr. Admin. Clerk | LAPD | 27 |
Murrow, Ronald | Power Safety & Training | DWP | N/D |
Nine, Michael | Water Distribution | DWP | N/D |
Ortiz, Jaime A. | Parking Attendant | Gen.Services | 10 |
Osborn, Gregory | Power Transmission | DWP | N/D |
Palmer, Stephen | Asst. Park Ser. Att. | Rec and Parks | 4 |
Posey, James | Water Eng./Tech. | DWP | N/D |
Ramirez, Carlos A. | Custodian | Gen. Services | 27 |
Raphael, Yolanda | Management Analyst | Gen. Services | 30 |
Richard, Brenda F. | Admin. Clerk | Controller’s Off. | 40 |
Roberson, Connie | Sr. Police Service Rep | LAPD | 29 |
Saludares, Lourdes | Sr. Auditor | LAPD | 44 |
Sarmiento, Concepcion | Sr. Accountant | Rec and Parks | 31 |
Schmitter, Susan D. | Dep. City Attorney | City Attorney | 30 |
Scipioni, Vincent Carl | Build. Mech. Inspector | Bldg. & Safety | 18 |
Shanklin, Kenneth B. | Security Officer | Airports | 27 |
Shaw, James Arthur | Gardener Caretaker | LAPD | 20 |
Sheets, Kathleen | Management Analyst | LAPD | 24 |
Sherrod, Christy | Customer Service | DWP | N/D |
Sloan, Helena | Customer Srvs. Bus. Unit | DWP | N/D |
Smith, Mentha C. | Administrative Clerk | Library | 6 |
Spillman, Lawrence D. | Welder | Public Works | 31 |
Starkjohann, Gregory | Water Operations | DWP | N/D |
Street, Marshall | Water Distribution | DWP | N/D |
Sturdivant, Elaine E. | Sr. Admin. Clerk | Airports | 20 |
Takaki, Rory Y. | Maintenance Supervisor | Rec and Parks | 33 |
Tasinga, Isaac | Constr. & Maintenance | DWP | N/D |
Torres, Anna Marie C. | Sr. Personnel Analyst | Personnel | 31 |
Torres, Oscar | Power Supply Ops. | DWP | N/D |
Trodahl, Colleen | Admin. Clerk | Rec and Parks | 6 |
Tujian, Hagop S. | St. Lighting Engineer | Public Works | 33 |
Vega, Ruben | Special Prog. Assistant | Rec and Parks | 5 |
Viramontes, Jaime J. | Sr. Construction Insp. | Public Works | 30 |
Wilmarth, Miriam W. | Improv. Assessor Supv. | Public Works | 44 |
Wong, Thomas | Admin. Coordinator | City Attorney | 25 |
Woodbury, John | Video Prod. Coordinator | Rec and Parks | 8 |
Wooley, Henry A. | Custodian | Airports | 16 |
Zumwalt, Mark | Integrated Support | DWP | N/D |